Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 598-603.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2016.03.017

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Study on Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation Characteristics and Tolerance of Pioneer Plants from Central Tibet Mining Area

ZHAO Yu-hong, JING Jiu-wang, WANG Xiang-tao, YUE Hai-mei, NIU Xin-yu, FANG Jiang-ping   

  1. Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College, Linzhi, Taibet 860000, China
  • Received:2015-04-30 Revised:2015-11-08 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-09-18


赵玉红, 敬久旺, 王向涛, 岳海梅, 牛歆雨, 方江平   

  1. 西藏大学农牧学院, 西藏 林芝 860000
  • 通讯作者: 方江平
  • 作者简介:赵玉红(1979-),男,甘肃武威人,博士研究生,副教授,主要从事高寒草地生态修复研究,
  • 基金资助:



The pollution of heavy metals in central Tibet mining area is serious. Selection and research for plants that can adapt to the local climate and soil condition and tolerate heavy metal is the premise of vegetation recovery and soil bioremediation of the mine wasteland. 6 kinds of pioneer plants and their soil heavy metal contents were analyzed. The results showed that heavy metal pollution at Lawu mine tailings was serious, and the soil was polluted by Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd elements at the same time.All the 6 kinds of pioneer plants can adapt to the mining soil, and have certain tolerance to heavy metals. Based on their heavy metal absorption characteristics, Rumex nepalensis and Festuca rubra belong to accumulator plants, Kobresia pygmaea,Urtica hyperborea, Polygonum viviparum belong to compartment plants, and Elymus nutans belongs to excluber plant. Under the condition of compound pollution, Rumex nepalensis can accumulate zinc to more than 1000 mg·kg-1, the cadmium of Urtica hyperborea wasmore than 50 mg·kg-1.Both Rumex nepalensis and Urtica hyperborea have the characteristics of hyperaccumulation plants, and relatively more tolerant to the tailings area with heavy metal pollution. They can be used as a restorative materials to control the area with heavy metal pollution.

Key words: Central Tibet mine, Pioneer plants, Heavy metal, Bioaccumulation characteristics, Tolerance


西藏中部矿区重金属污染严重,在矿区废弃地的先锋植物中筛选和研究适合当地气候与土壤条件的重金属耐性植物,是藏中矿区植被恢复和污染土壤修复的前提。本研究采用野外调查取样,并结合室内分析测试来进行。对矿区尾矿库生长的6种先锋植物及其土壤重金属含量进行测定分析,结果表明:拉屋矿区尾矿库重金属污染严重,并且土壤受到Zn,Cu,Pb,Cd元素的复合污染;6种先锋植物均能适应矿区土壤重金属元素较高的环境,对重金属具有一定的耐性;6种植物对重金属的吸收表现出3种特征:尼泊尔酸模(Rumex nepalensis)和紫羊茅(Festuca rubra)属于富集型植物;高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)、高原荨麻(Urtica hyperborea)、珠芽蓼(Polygonum viviparum)属于根部囤积型植物;垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)属于重金属规避型植物;在复合污染条件下,尼泊尔酸模对Zn的吸收超过1000 mg·kg-1,高原荨麻对Cd的吸收超过50 mg·kg-1,高原荨麻和尼泊尔酸模具备超富集植物的特征和潜能,对尾矿库区重金属污染有较强的耐性,可作为治理该地区污染环境的修复材料。

关键词: 藏中矿区, 先锋植物, 重金属, 积累特性, 耐性

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