Acta Agrestia Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 340-348.DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2024.01.035

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Effect of Different Mixed Sowing Patterns on Yield and Nutritional Value of Grass in Sowing Year

SUN Ling-li, MENG Xiang, XIE Kai-yun, YAN An, LIU Wei, YANG Long, CUI He-ting, ZHAO Yue, CHU Hao-qing   

  1. College of Grassland Sciences of Xinjiang Agricultural University/Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology/Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology for Western Arid Desert Rengion, Ministry of Education, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China
  • Received:2023-06-11 Revised:2023-08-15 Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-30


孙伶俐, 孟翔, 谢开云, 颜安, 刘伟, 杨龙, 崔荷婷, 赵越, 褚皓清   

  1. 1. 新疆农业大学草业学院/新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室/西部干旱荒漠区草地资源与生态教育部重点实验室, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 谢开云,;颜安,
  • 作者简介:孙伶俐(1996-),女,汉族,新疆昌吉人,硕士研究生,主要从事草地管理与牧草生产研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To explore the effects of different mixed sowing patterns on forage yield and nutritional value, 11 mixed sowing patterns were studied in this experiment by controlling the mixed sowing proportion and the mixed forage species, namely, 4 mixed sowing patterns of legume forage:mixed sowing ratios of Medicago varia + Onobrychis viciaefolia +Lotus corniculatus were 1:1:1, 1:1:2, 1:2:1, 2:1:1 (Z1H1B1, Z1H1B2, Z1H2B1, Z2H1B1), 4 mixed sowing patterns of gramineous forage:mixed sowing ratios of Elymus dahuricus + Bromus inermis + Agropyron cristatum were 1:1:1, 1:1:2, 1:2:1, 2:1:1 (W1P1B1, W1P1B2, W1P2B1, W2P1B1), and 3 mixed sowing patterns of legume and gramineous:mixed sowing ratios of Medicago varia + Onobrychis viciaefolia +Lotus corniculatus + Elymus dahuricus + Bromus inermis + Agropyron cristatum were 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 (L25G75, L50G50, L75G25). The results showed that the plant height, density and dry matter yield of the six forage mixed sowing patterns were lower than those of the three leguminous forage mixed sowing patterns and the three gramineous forage mixed sowing patterns(P<0.05), but the crude protein content and relative feeding value of the forage were lower than those of the three leguminous forage mixed sowing patterns(P<0.05), and higher than those of the three gramineous forage mixed sowing patterns(P<0.05). The results showed that 1:1 mixed sowing ratio was more conducive to the accumulation of total dry matter in six mixed sowing patterns.

Key words: Mixed sowing patterns, Forage yield, Nutritive value, Legume forage, Gramineous forage

摘要: 为探究不同混播模式对牧草产量和营养价值的影响,本试验通过设置11种混播模式,即4个豆科牧草混播模式[杂花苜蓿(Medicago varia)+红豆草(Onobrychis viciaefolia)+百脉根(Lotus corniculatus)混播比例为1:1:1,1:1:2,1:2:1,2:1:1(Z1H1B1,Z1H1B2,Z1H2B1,Z2H1B1)],4个禾本科牧草混播模式[披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)+无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)+扁穗冰草(Agropyron cristatum)混播比例为:1:1:1,1:1:2,1:2:1,2:1:1(W1P1B1,W1P1B2,W1P2B1,W2P1B1)]和3个豆科禾本科牧草混播混播模式[杂花苜蓿+红豆草+百脉根+披碱草+无芒雀麦+扁穗冰草豆禾比为1:3,1:1,3:1(L25G75,L50G50,L75G25)],分析研究不同混播模式对牧草产量和营养价值的影响。结果表明:6种牧草混播模式下各牧草株高、密度、干物质产量均显著低于3种豆科牧草混播模式和3种禾本科牧草混播模式(P<0.05),且牧草粗蛋白含量和相对饲喂价值均显著低于3种豆科牧草混播模式(P<0.05),但高于3种禾本科牧草混播模式(P<0.05);在6种牧草混播模式中混播比例为1:1时更有利于混播草地牧草干物质总量积累。

关键词: 混播模式, 牧草产量, 营养价值, 豆科牧草, 禾本科牧草

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