中文  |  English

菌物学报, 2021, 40(4): 822-833 doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.210064



王科,1,2, 陈双林1,3, 戴玉成1,4, 贾泽峰1,5, 李泰辉1,6, 刘铁志1,7, 普布多吉1,8, 热衣木·马木提1,9, 孙广宇1,10, 图力古尔1,11, 魏生龙1,12, 杨祝良1,13, 袁海生1,14, 张修国1,15, 蔡磊,1,2,*

1.中国菌物标本馆联盟 北京 100101

2.中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆 北京 100101

3.南京师范大学真菌标本馆 江苏 南京 210023

4.北京林业大学微生物所标本馆 北京 100083

5.聊城大学生命科学学院菌物标本馆 山东 聊城 252059

6.广东省微生物研究所菌物标本馆 广东 广州 510070

7.赤峰学院菌物标本馆 内蒙古 赤峰 024000

8.西藏自治区高原生物研究所高原菌物标本馆 西藏 拉萨 850001

9.新疆大学“中国西北干旱区地衣研究中心”地衣标本馆 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046

10.西北农林科技大学真菌标本馆 陕西 杨凌 712100

11.吉林农业大学菌物标本馆 吉林 长春 130118

12.河西学院菌物标本馆 甘肃 张掖 734000

13.中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆隐花植物标本馆 云南 昆明 650201

14.中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所东北生物标本馆 辽宁 沈阳 110016

15.山东农业大学植物保护学院植物病理学标本馆 山东 泰安 271018

Overview of China’s nomenclature novelties of fungi in the new century (2000-2020)

WANG Ke,1,2, CHEN Shuang-Lin1,3, DAI Yu-Cheng1,4, JIA Ze-Feng1,5, LI Tai-Hui1,6, LIU Tie-Zhi1,7, PHURBU Dorji1,8, MAMUT Reyim1,9, SUN Guang-Yu1,10, BAU Tolgor1,11, WEI Sheng-Long1,12, YANG Zhu-Liang1,13, YUAN Hai-Sheng1,14, ZHANG Xiu-Guo1,15, CAI Lei,1,2,*

1. Fungarium Union of China, Beijing 100101, China

2. Fungarium, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

3. Herbarium, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China

4. Fungarium, Institute of Microbiology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

5. The Fungarium of College of Life Sciences, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong 252059, China

6. Fungarium of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510070, China

7. Mycological Herbarium of Chifeng University, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia 024000, China

8. Alpine Fungarium, Tibet Plateau Institute of Biology, Lhasa, Xizang 850001, China

9. Lichen Fungarium, the Lichen Research Center of Arid Area in Northwest China, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830046, China

10. Fungarium, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China

11. Herbarium of Mycology, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Jilin 130118, China

12. Fungarium, Hexi University, Zhangye, Gansu 734000, China

13. Herbarium of Cryptogams, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650201, China

14. Herbarium, Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Liaoning 110016, China

15. Herbarium, Plant Pathology of Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong 271018, China

责任编辑: 韩丽

收稿日期: 2021-02-8   接受日期: 2021-02-10   网络出版日期: 2021-04-22

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  31725001
中国科学院战略生物资源计划.  KFJ-BRP-017-49

Corresponding authors: * E-mail: cail@im.ac.cn, ORCID: WANG Ke (0000-0002-5153-8498).

Received: 2021-02-8   Accepted: 2021-02-10   Online: 2021-04-22

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.  31725001
Biological Resources Programme, Chinese Academic of Sciences.  KFJ-BRP-017-49

作者简介 About authors

蔡磊,中国科学院微生物研究所研究员,国家杰出青年基金获得者现兼任国际真菌分类委员会委员、荷兰皇家艺术与科学院真菌研究所客座研究员、中国菌物学会副秘书长、中国菌物标本馆联盟秘书长等职主要从事真菌分类和系统演化研究,已发表新分类单元670多个在《StudiesinMycology》《FungalDiversity》《MolecularEcology》等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文160余篇,引用10000余次,h-指数=45(去除自引),2019-2020连续两年入选科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”称号 , E-mail:cail@im.ac.cn


2000-2020年间,我国菌物学研究取得了丰硕的成果,在新物种发现、重要类群新分类系统、资源保护与开发利用等多方面取得了重要进展。本文通过对世界菌物名称信息库Index Fungorum、Fungal Names和MycoBank进行数据整理,从中国学者的研究产出和中国的菌物新物种发现的角度展开分析,揭示我国菌物分类学的研究概况。新世纪以来,中国从事菌物分类学的研究人员数量、研究类群规模和研究成果数量都处于稳步上升的趋势,在世界贡献的比重逐渐增长,有1 491位中国学者在4 029篇文章和36部专著中发表了9 430个新名称(含中国学者发表的采集自国外的物种),占全世界新发表名称总数的七分之一,其中新分类单元7 120个(含新纲3个、新目24个、新科88个,新亚科4个、新属492个、新亚属3个、新组及新亚组23个、新种6 404个和新种下单元79个)、新组合1 868个、新修订名称61个和其他新名称381个。这些新名称隶属于11门43纲173目525科1 997属,重点研究类群为子囊菌与担子菌等。若统计采集自中国的新物种,则发现了5 458个菌物新物种,其中90%以上由我国学者独立或合作完成发表。在地域分布方面,我国南方发现的菌物新物种数量多于北方,而云南是发现菌物新物种最多的省份,占全国发现新物种总数的大约四分之一。

关键词: 菌物分类学 ; 中国学者 ; 新名称发表 ; 研究类群 ; 新种地域分布


From 2000 to 2020, mycological studies in China has achieved encouraging progress in several aspects, such as discovery of new species, construction of new taxonomic schemes for important groups, biodiversity conservation and bio-resource exploitation. In this paper, the research progress of newly published fungal names in China, especially those from Chinese scholars are statistically summarized and presented based on the data retrieved from Index Fungorum, Fungal Names and MycoBank. The result shows that the number of Chinese scholars, and their research outputs have increased greatly in the new century, together with the increasing contribution to the world taxonomy of fungi. At least 9 430 new fungal names, including 7 120 new taxa (i.e. 3 new classes, 24 new orders, 88 new families, 4 new subfamilies, 492 new genera, 3 new subgenera, 23 new sections and subsections, 6 404 new species and 79 new intraspecific taxa), 1 868 new combinations, 61 new revised names and 381 other new names, were published by 1 491 Chinese scholars in 4 029 articles and 36 monographs, accounting for ca. 1/7 of all names published worldwide. These new fungal names belonged to 11 phyla, 43 classes, 173 orders, 525 families and 1 997 genera, among which ascomycetes and basidiomycetes have received more attentions. Most new fungal species were discovered from southern China, while Yunnan is the most important source of new discoveries accounting for ca. 1/4 of total in China.

Keywords: taxonomy of fungi ; Chinese scholar ; new name published ; research group ; distribution of new species

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王科, 陈双林, 戴玉成, 贾泽峰, 李泰辉, 刘铁志, 普布多吉, 热衣木·马木提, 孙广宇, 图力古尔, 魏生龙, 杨祝良, 袁海生, 张修国, 蔡磊. 新世纪中国菌物新名称发表概况(2000-2020). 菌物学报[J], 2021, 40(4): 822-833 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210064

WANG Ke, CHEN Shuang-Lin, DAI Yu-Cheng, JIA Ze-Feng, LI Tai-Hui, LIU Tie-Zhi, PHURBU Dorji, MAMUT Reyim, SUN Guang-Yu, BAU Tolgor, WEI Sheng-Long, YANG Zhu-Liang, YUAN Hai-Sheng, ZHANG Xiu-Guo, CAI Lei. Overview of China’s nomenclature novelties of fungi in the new century (2000-2020). Mycosystema[J], 2021, 40(4): 822-833 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210064

新世纪以来,中国菌物学研究飞速发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就。在系统分类学方面,我国学者对担子菌门、“酵母菌”、蘑菇目、牛肝菌目、多孔菌目、亚隔孢壳科,以及一些具有广泛经济重要性的属如木霉属、刺盘孢属、青霉属、曲霉属等类群的系统发育构建和分类系统更新做出了重要贡献,并描述了大量的新分类单元(Zeng et al. 2013;Zhao et al. 2013;Liu et al. 2014;Wang et al. 2014;Wu et al. 2014;Wang et al. 2015;Zhao et al. 2016;Chen et al. 2017;Chen & Zhuang 2017;Zhao et al. 2017;Wang et al. 2018;Cui et al. 2019;He et al. 2019;Hou et al. 2020)。信息库建设方面,中国学者自主创建的菌物名称注册信息库(Fungal Names,http://www.fungalinfo.net/)受到《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》认可,成为国际三大菌物名称注册网站之一。在物种保护方面,中国于2018年发布了世界上评估规模最大、涵盖物种最多(9 302种)的大型真菌红色名录(姚一建等 2020)。在产业发展方面,2019年我国食用菌产量为3 933.87万吨、产值达3 126.67亿元,占世界总产值的80%。2018年,英国皇家植物园联合世界菌物学家出版了首部《世界真菌现状报告》,鉴于中国在菌物学研究、保护、开发利用等方面的突出贡献,被选为首个聚焦国家(country of focus),并由中国学者完成了相关内容的撰写(Fang et al. 2018)。


1 数据来源

本研究的数据来自世界菌物名称信息库Index Fungorum(http://www.indexfungorum.org/)、Fungal Names(http://www.fungalinfo.net/)和MycoBank(http://www.mycobank.org/),数据获取时间截止于2021年1月10日,以便完整地包括2020年12月31日前发表但尚未收入上述数据库中的名称信息。以名称发表年份为条件,从数据库中筛选获得2000-2020年发表的菌物名称记录67 143条,作为原始数据。每条数据包含菌物名称、命名作者、分类阶元、发表年份、发表期刊、模式标本产地、命名法评价、基质和寄主等信息。

根据Index Fungorum中的“Authors of fungal names”数据集,从原始数据中遴选出中国学者参与发表的记录共9 430条,用以分析中国学者在新分类单元发表方面的情况和贡献。根据分类阶元和模式标本产地的信息,从原始数据中筛选出中国菌物新物种发表记录共5 458条,作为中国菌物新物种的发表情况的分析数据。

2 中国学者发表菌物新名称概况

2.1 在世界的总体贡献

对菌物名称发表数据进行整体分析,发现2000-2020年间有1 491位中国学者参与了新分类单元及新名称的发表,发表了各类型菌物新名称9 430个,占全世界命名作者总数的14.31%和新名称总数的14.04%。中国学者参与发表的菌物新分类单元有7 120个,包括新纲3个、新目24个、新科88个、新亚科4个、新属492个、新亚属3个、新组及新亚组23个、新种6 404个和新种下单元(亚种、变种和变型)79个。此外,还发表了新组合1 868个、新修订名称61个和其他名称(不合格、不合法和弃用名称)381个。对各个名称的命名作者进行统计,其中56.11%(5 291个)的名称由中国作者独立完成发表,43.89%(4 139个)的名称与外国人合作发表。不同等级的新名称,中外作者合作的情况也不尽相同。新纲、新目和新科等高阶分类阶元,80%以上由中外作者合作发表,而60%以上新种及种下单元的发表由中国作者独立完成(表1)。

表1   2000-2020年中国学者发表的各类型菌物新分类单元及新名称

Table 1  New fungal names published by Chinese scholars from 2000 to 2020

New taxa
Published by
Chinese scholars
Published solely
by Chinese scholars
Percentage of names
solely published by
Chinese scholars (%)
新纲 New classes300.00
新目 New orders24416.67
新科 New families881820.45
新亚科 New subfamilies44100.00
新属 New genera49216733.94
新亚属 New subgenera3133.33
新组、新亚组 New sections and subsections231252.17
新种 New species6 4044 05763.35
新种下单元 New infraspecific taxa795367.09
新组合 New combinations1 86875940.63
名称修订 New revised names612745.00
不合格、不合法名称 Invalid and illegitimate names38118949.61
总计 Total9 4305 29156.11

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2000-2020年间,中国研究人员发表的菌物新名称数量快速增长,从事新名称发表的作者数量也在稳步上升。21世纪初,中国学者参与发表的名称仅占世界的5%-10%,而这一比例在2015年之后大幅提升。2015年以来,全世界共发表菌物新名称25 467个,中国学者参与了其中1/5以上的名称发表(图1)。中国是公认的世界生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,仍有大量菌物物种尚未被发现,随着研究队伍的稳定和逐步扩大,可以预见在未来一段时间内,我国将继续保持菌物分类学的高产出趋势。


图1   2000-2020年中国学者发表菌物新名称数量及在世界的贡献

Fig. 1   New fungal names published by Chinese scholars and the contribution of Chinese scholars to the world from 2000 to 2020.

2.2 命名作者

对数据组中菌物名称的命名作者进行分析,统计发现有27位中国学者在近21年发表了100个以上的菌物新分类单元,占中国命名作者总数的1.81%(表2,图2)。这些学者构成了我国菌物分类学的中坚力量,分类学产出大多稳定且高效,为揭示我国乃至世界菌物多样性做出了突出贡献。此外,发表新名称数量在5个以下的学者有1 085位,占中国作者总数的70%,而仅发表1个新名称的作者达到了40.58%(图2),其中多数可能是研究生、客座学生、临时聘用人员等短期从事菌物分类研究的人员。

表2   2000-2020年发表100个以上菌物新名称的中国学者

Table 2  Chinese scholars who contributed over 100 new fungal names from 2000 to 2020

Author of new names
New higher taxa
New species and infraspecific taxa
New combinations
Other new names
蔡磊 L. Cai3746315718675
戴玉成 Y.C. Dai4439117710622
白逢彦 F.Y. Bai8121624872617
杨祝良 Zhu L. Yang3229214212478
王启明 Q.M. Wang6116015049420
庄文颖 W.Y. Zhuang9279504342
崔宝凯 B.K. Cui33200892324
张修国 X.G. Zhang15272110298
张天宇 T.Y. Zhang124235251
刘新展 Xin Zhan Liu232310229177
朱宇敏 Y.M. Ju784643158
赵瑞琳 R.L. Zhao813753153
卢永仲 Y.Z. Lu1987415152
陈倩 Qian Chen1050808148
罗宗龙 Z.L. Luo1412052141
李泰辉 T.H. Li412854141
田呈明 C.M. Tian1510773132
刘芳 F. Liu8105151129
周丽伟 L.W. Zhou1085312128
吴声华 Sheng H. Wu976373125
何双辉 S.H. He776352120
张颖 Y. Zhang1846484116
李爱华 A.H. Li011011112
袁海生 H.S. Yuan49961110
梁宗琦 Z.Q. Liang293101106
郭林 L. Guo110310105
范鑫磊 X.L. Fan863292102

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图2   2000-2020年发表不同数量菌物新名称的中国学者占比

Fig. 2   Magnitude proportion of Chinese scholars who published new fungal names from 2000 to 2020.

2.3 研究类群

新世纪以来,中国学者的菌物研究类群涵盖真菌(true fungi)、卵菌(oomycetes)和黏菌(slime mold)3个类群,涉及11门43纲173目525科1 997属。根据中国菌物名录数据库(http://nmdc.cn/fungarium/)统计,我国文献报道的菌物物种约有27 900种,隶属于15门56纲192目585科3 534属。2000-2020年间,中国学者的研究类群涵盖了历史文献报道已知科的89.74%和已知属的56.51%。在类群规模方面,在21世纪早期,中国学者每年的研究类群涉及50科100属,而2015年以来,研究规模达到了150科300属左右,增加了2倍以上。

以科为单位,对各个类群的研究情况进行分析,统计发现中国学者在近21年侧重于在大型木生真菌(刺革菌科和多孔菌科)、牛肝菌(牛肝菌科)、小型子囊菌(亚隔孢壳科、隔孢腔菌科、间座壳科、毛壳科)和伞菌(蘑菇科和红菇科)等类群开展研究(表3)。值得注意的是,中国学者发表的103个新属和709个新种在科等级的分类地位未定(Incertae sedis),占新属总数的1/5和新种总数的1/10,这说明菌物的高阶分类系统还远未澄清。

表3   2000-2020年中国学者发表新分类单元最多的20个科

Table 3  Top 20 families attracting Chinese scholars who have published a large number of new fungal names from 2000 to 2020

New genera
and subgenera
New species and
infraspecific taxa
New combinations
刺革菌科 Hymenochaetaceae721283302
牛肝菌科 Boletaceae1916983271
亚隔孢壳科 Didymellaceae17119102238
多孔菌科 Polyporaceae1715849224
格孢腔菌科 Pleosporaceae117619196
蘑菇科 Agaricaceae1414619179
间座壳科 Diaporthaceae215710169
毛壳科 Chaetomiaceae187879175
炭角菌科 Xylariaceae1112829168
毛筒壳科 Tubeufiaceae2010244166
红菇科 Russulaceae61356147
球囊菌科 Mycosphaerellaceae39819120
丛赤壳科 Nectriaceae410619129
肉座菌科 Hypocreaceae01176123
斑痣盘菌科 Rhytismataceae11125118
圆盘菌科 Orbiliaceae36829100
拟盘多毛孢科 Pestalotiopsidaceae0692291
布勒担菌科 Bulleribasidiaceae5513389
曲霉科 Aspergillaceae191294
鹅膏科 Amanitaceae183488

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2.4 研究质量

在中国学者近21年发表的新名称中,有9 049个符合《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》的各项条款,属于正确发表名称,占名称总数的95.96%。其余381个新名称中,不合法名称有52个、不合格名称有329个,这些名称所违反的法规条款和主要存在问题见表4。其中,模式指定是我国学者在发表菌物新名称时出现问题最多的部分。建议在今后的工作中,严格遵守《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》,将模式标本保藏在标本馆,尤其是条件优良管理规范的标本馆等保藏机构,并在撰写文章时正确指明标本号和“typus”等注释语,进一步提升名称发表的质量。

表4   2000-2020年中国学者不合格或不合法发表名称的类型和数量

Table 4  Invalid and illegitimate names published by Chinese scholars from 2000 to 2020

Type of names
Violated articles in code
Major problems
Number of names
Illegitimate name
Nomenclaturally superfluous names
Illegitimate name
Later homonym
Invalid name
New taxon published without a description or diagnosis
Invalid name
Before 31 December 2011, a new taxon is published without a Latin description or diagnosis
Invalid name
The type is not indicated when a new taxon at the rank of genus or below is published
Invalid name
One of the words “typus” or “holotypus”, or its equivalent in a modern language is not included when a new taxon at the rank of genus or below is published
Invalid name
The single herbarium or conserved institution in which the type is conserved is not specified when a new species or infraspecific taxon is published
Invalid name
The basionym or replaced synonym is not clearly indicated when a new combination is published
Invalid name
Without citation of an identifier issued by a recognized repository for the new name
Invalid name
Other articles involving invalidly published names

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2.5 发表来源

新世纪以来,中国学者将9 430个菌物名称发表在205个期刊和书籍等出版物中。其中9 176个名称发表在169个期刊的4 029篇文章中,占新名称总数的97.31%;剩余254个新名称发表在36部专著、志书等著作中。在出版物的选择上,中国学者更倾向于在英文期刊发表新分类单元及新名称,90%以上的新名称和相关文章发表在136个英文期刊上。其中,《Fungal Diversity》杂志刊载了最多的新名称(1 530个)和新高阶分类单元(151个),《Mycotaxon》杂志上发表了最多数量的文章(734篇)和新物种(945个),而《Studies in Mycology》是发表新组合(524个)最多的期刊(图3)。除此之外,仅有8.92%的新名称(841个)和12.11%(488篇)的文章发表在中文期刊上。在这些名称中,有81.45%(685个)发表在《菌物学报》上,剩余156个名称分别发表在《菌物研究》《云南植物研究》(即现在的《Plant Diversity》)、《广西农业生物科学》等32个中文期刊的89篇文章中。


图3   2000-2020年中国学者发表菌物新名称最多的10个期刊

Fig. 3   Top 10 journals in which Chinese scholars have published new fungal names from 2000 to 2020.

3 中国的菌物新物种发现

3.1 新物种发表情况

2000年到2020年间,全世界共发表菌物新物种35 436种,其中来自中国的新物种有5 458种,占15.40%。这些新物种中,由中国学者独立完成发表的有3 890个,占71.27%;由中外学者合作发表的有1 048个,占19.20%;剩余520个由外国学者发表,占9.53%。

3.2 新物种的地域分布

对中国新物种的地域分布进行分析,来自云南省的新物种有1 345种,占全国的近1/4,远多于其他省份。我国南方地区的海南、台湾、广东3个省份也是新物种的主要来源地,共有1 053种。而地理面积较小且城市化程度较高的天津、上海和澳门三地极少有菌物新物种发现(表5)。这个分布规律与中国森林大型真菌新分类单元的分布类似(戴玉成等 2021)。从地理分区来看,我国南方地区发现的菌物新物种数量远多于北方,尤其集中在西南地区和南部沿海地区。这些地区丘陵和山脉较多,植被类型丰富,生态系统复杂,且雨水丰沛、气候温和,为菌物生长提供了较为适宜的环境,孕育了丰富的物种多样性。

表5   2000-2020年中国各省发现的菌物新物种数量

Table 5  The number of discovered new fungal species from different provinces from 2000 to 2020

Number of
new species

Number of
new species

Number of
new species
云南 Yunnan1 345江西 Jiangxi106甘肃 Gansu63
海南 Hainan378湖南 Hunan105辽宁 Liaoning61
台湾 Taiwan355陕西 Shaanxi105山东 Shandong60
广东 Guangdong320北京 Beijing105河北 Hebei33
广西 Guangxi275新疆 Xinjiang101江苏 Jiangsu31
贵州 Guizhou249安徽 Anhui97山西 Shanxi31
四川 Sichuan229青海 Qinghai85宁夏 Ningxia23
西藏 Xizang208黑龙江 Heilongjiang77重庆 Chongqing17
湖北 Hubei148浙江 Zhejiang71上海 Shanghai1
香港 Hong Kong123内蒙古 Inner Mongolia64天津 Tianjin1
福建 Fujian113河南 Henan63澳门 Macao0
吉林 Jilin113

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3.3 新物种的基质和寄主

在中国发表的5 458个新物种中,注明生长基质或寄主的有4 274种,其中生长在腐木、落叶、粪便、腐殖质等腐物以及活体植物上的真菌最多,分别有1 517种和1 516种,各占新物种总数的1/4以上。其次,有905种生长或分离自土壤中,占16.58%;剩余335种寄生在动物身上或生长在岩石、水等基物中(图4)。


图4   2000-2020年中国菌物新物种的来源基质和/或寄主

Fig. 4   Substrate and/or host origins of new fungal species from China published from 2000 to 2020.

4 展望

21世纪以来,我国菌物分类学研究类群逐渐扩大、研究人员稳步增加,取得了丰硕的研究成果,在世界范围也做出了突出的贡献并得到广泛认可。展望下一个20年,菌物分类学仍有许多重大问题尚未解决。首先,我国尚未完成菌物资源的全面普查,仍有许多地区的菌物多样性和资源分布信息处于空白状态,亟需开展相应的研究工作。据保守估计,全球菌物物种多样性有220-380万种(Hawksworth & Lücking 2017),而目前仅发现了不到6%,其描述率为地球主要生物类群中最低,仍有大量菌物新物种有待发现。我国菌物多样性也十分丰富,初步估计有超过30万种(魏江春 2010),已有一些研究初步统计出我国已知菌物物种约为1.25-2.79万种之间(戴玉成和庄剑云 2010;Fang et al. 2018; The Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2020),目前已发现的物种仅有4%-9%。再者,菌物资源的开发应用范围需进一步扩大。全世界已经广泛认可菌类是人类最佳饮食结构的组成部分之一,而研究表明多种菌物具有多糖、核苷、微量元素等多种有益成分,可用于免疫调节、抗病毒、抑肿瘤等功效。目前,中国已报道的食药用菌数量为世界最多,有2 026种,而可人工栽培的仅有100余种,仍有大量具有开发潜质的物种(Fang et al. 2018)。除此之外,菌物可在生态、工业、农业等多个领域发挥效用,在现有工作基础上,进一步拓宽应用范围可以更充分地发挥菌物资源的价值。我国菌物资源的保护工作仍处于起步状态,亟须全面展开。目前全国仅有吉林天佛指山国家级自然保护区对野生松口蘑资源进行了保护,对其他受威胁物种还未采取有效的保护政策和措施。在今后的工作中需要填补对菌物资源野外检测的空白,同时在政策制定、就地保护、离体保存、科学普及等全方面开展保护工作,以促进菌物资源的可持续利用。




Chen K, Zhuang WY, 2017.

Discovery of a large-scaled survey of Trichoderma in soil from China

Scientific Reports, 7:9090

DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07807-3      PMID:28831112      [本文引用: 1]

The first large-scaled survey of soil-inhabiting Trichoderma is conducted in 23 provinces of China. Twenty-three new species belonging to the green-ascospored clades are discovered. Their phylogenetic positions are determined by sequence analyses of the combined partial sequences of translation elongation factor 1-alpha and the second largest RNA polymerase subunit encoding genes. Morphology and culture characteristics are observed, described and illustrated in detail. Distinctions between the new species and their close relatives are compared and discussed. They are named as: T. aggregatum, T. alpinum, T. bannaense, T. breve, T. brevicrassum, T. byssinum, T. chlamydosporicum, T. concentricum, T. ganodermatis, T. hainanense, T. hengshanicum, T. hirsutum, T. hunanense, T. ingratum, T. liberatum, T. linzhiense, T. longisporum, T. polypori, T. pseudodensum, T. simplex, T. solum, T. undatipile and T. zayuense.

Chen Q, Hou LW, Duan WJ, Crous PW, Cai L, 2017.

Didymellaceae revisited

Studies in Mycology, 87:105-159

DOI:10.1016/j.simyco.2017.06.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Cui BK, Li HJ, Ji X, Zhou JL, Song J, Si J, Yang ZL, Dai YC, 2019.

Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China

Fungal Diversity, 97:137-302

DOI:10.1007/s13225-019-00427-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Dai YC, Yang ZL, Cui BK, Wu G, Yuan HS, Zhou LW, He SH, Ge ZW, Wu F, Wei YL, Yuan Y, Si J, 2021.

Diversity and systematics of the important macrofungi in Chinese forests

Mycosystema, 40(4):770-805 (in Chinese)

Dai YC, Zhuang JY, 2010.

Numbers of fungal species hitherto known in China

Mycosystema, 29(5):625-628 (in Chinese)


Publications dealing with Chinese fungal species were systematically investigated, and 2,849 new species, 129 new varieties and 5,260 new Chinese records have been reported during 1978 to 2010. “Sylloge Fungorum Sinicorum” was published in 1979, listed 6,737 species and 168 varieties based on the reports on Chinese fungal resource until 1973. So 14,846 species and 297 varieties have been found in mainland China by 2010. In addition, 2,122 fungal species were recorded in Hong Kong and 6,207 in Taiwan, among which around 800 and 400 species, respectively, were not found in mainland China so far. Until now there are 16,046 species and 297 varieties have been recorded in the Chinese territory. If 10% of them are the synonyms, the Chinese fungal species are around 14,700. Among them around 300 species are Chromista, 340 are Protoza, and 14,060 are Fungi.

Fang R, Kirk PM, Wei JC, Li Y, Cai L, Fan L, Wei TZ, Zhao RL, Wang K, Yang ZL, Li TH, Li Y, Phurbu-Dorji, Yao YJ, 2018.

Country focus: China

In: Willis KJ (ed.) State of the world’s fungi. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 48-55

[本文引用: 3]

Hawksworth DL, Lücking R, 2017.

Fungal diversity revisited: 2.2 to 3.8 million species

Microbiology Spectrum, 5(4):79-80

[本文引用: 1]

He MQ, Zhao RL, Hyde KD, Begerow D, Kemler M, Yurkov A, McKenzie EHC, Raspé O, Kakishima M, Sánchez-Ramírez S, Vellinga EC, Halling R, Papp V, Zmitrovich IV, Buyck B, Ertz D, Wijayawardene NN, Cui BK, Schoutteten N, Liu XZ, Li TH, Yao YJ, Zhu XY, Liu AQ, Li GJ, Zhang MZ, Ling ZL, Cao B, Antonín V, Boekhout T, da Silva BDB, de Crop E, Decock C, Dima B, Dutta AK, Fell JW, Geml J, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Giachini AJ, Gibertoni TB, Gorjón SP, Haelewaters D, He SH, Hodkinson BP, Horak E, Hoshino T, Justo A, Lim YW, Menolli Jr N, Mešić A, Moncalvo JM, Mueller GM, Nagy LG, Nilsson RH, Noordeloos M, Nuytinck J, Orihara T, Ratchadawan C, Rajchenberg M, Silva-Filho AGS, Sulzbacher MA, Tkalčec Z, Valenzuela R, Verbeken A, Vizzini A, Wartchow F, Wei TZ, Weiß M, Zhao CL, Kirk PM, 2019.

Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota

Fungal Diversity, 99:105-367

DOI:10.1007/s13225-019-00435-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hou LW, Groenewald JZ, Pfenning LH, Yarden O, Crous PW, Cai L, 2020.

The phoma-like dilemma

Studies in Mycology, 96:309-396

DOI:10.1016/j.simyco.2020.05.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Liu F, Cai L, Crous PW, Damm U, 2014.

The Colletotrichum gigasporum species complex

Persoonia, 33:83-97

DOI:10.3767/003158514X684447      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In a preliminary analysis, 21 Colletotrichum strains with large conidia preserved in the CBS culture collection clustered with a recently described species, C. gigasporum, forming a clade distinct from other currently known Colletotrichum species complexes. Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH) as well as each of the single-locus analyses resolved seven distinct species, one of them being C. gigasporum. Colletotrichum gigasporum and its close allies thus constitute a previously unknown species complex with shared morphological features. Five of the seven species accepted in the C. gigasporum species complex are described here as novel species, namely C. arxii, C. magnisporum, C. pseudomajus, C. radicis and C. vietnamense. A species represented by a single sterile strain, namely CBS 159.50, was not described as novel species, and is treated as Colletotrichum sp. CBS 159.50. Furthermore, C. thailandicum is reduced to synonymy with C. gigasporum.

Wang QM, Theelen B, Groenewald M, Bai FY, Boekhout T, 2014.

Moniliellomycetes and Malasseziomycetes, two new classes in Ustilaginomycotina

Persoonia, 33:41-47

DOI:10.3767/003158514X682313      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ustilaginomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi) has been reclassified recently based on multiple gene sequence analyses. However, the phylogenetic placement of two yeast-like genera Malassezia and Moniliella in the subphylum remains unclear. Phylogenetic analyses using different algorithms based on the sequences of six genes, including the small subunit (18S) ribosomal DNA (rDNA), the large subunit (26S) rDNA D1/D2 domains, the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1 and 2) including 5.8S rDNA, the two subunits of RNA polymerase II (RPB1 and RPB2) and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1-alpha), were performed to address their phylogenetic positions. Our analyses indicated that Malassezia and Moniliella represented two deeply rooted lineages within Ustilaginomycotina and have a sister relationship to both Ustilaginomycetes and Exobasidiomycetes. Those clades are described here as new classes, namely Moniliellomycetes with order Moniliellales, family Moniliellaceae, and genus Moniliella; and Malasseziomycetes with order Malasseziales, family Malasseziaceae, and genus Malassezia. Phenotypic differences support this classification suggesting widely different life styles among the mainly plant pathogenic Ustilaginomycotina.

Wang QM, Yurkov AM, Göker M, Lumbsch HT, Leavitt SD, Groenewald M, Theelen B, Liu XZ, Boekhout T, Bai FY, 2015.

Phylogenetic classification of yeasts and related taxa within Pucciniomycotina

Studies in Mycology, 81:149-189

DOI:10.1016/j.simyco.2015.12.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wang XC, Chen K, Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY, 2018.

Phylogeny and morphological analyses of Penicillium section Sclerotiora (Fungi) lead to the discovery of five new species

Scientific Reports, 7(8233):1-14

DOI:10.1038/s41598-016-0028-x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wei JC, 2010.

The biodiversity of pan-fungi and the sustainable development of human beings

Biodiversity Conservation, 245(6):645-650 (in Chinese)

Wu G, Feng B, Xu J, Zhu XT, Li YC, Zeng NK, Hosen MI, Yang ZL, 2014.

Molecular phylogenetic analyses redefine seven major clades and reveal 22 new generic clades in the fungal family Boletaceae

Fungal Diversity, 69(1):93-115

DOI:10.1007/s13225-014-0283-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Mushrooms in the basidiomycete family Boletaceae are ecologically and economically very important. However, due to the morphological complexity and the limited phylogenetic information on the various species and genera of this fungal family, our understanding of its systematics and evolution remains rudimentary. In this study, DNA sequences of four genes (nrLSU, tef1-alpha, rpb1, and rpb2) were newly obtained from ca. 200 representative specimens of Boletaceae. Our phylogenetic analyses revealed seven major clades at the subfamily level, namely Austroboletoideae, Boletoideae, Chalciporoideae, Leccinoideae, Xerocomoideae, Zangioideae, and the Pulveroboletus Group. In addition, 59 genus-level clades were identified, of which 22 were uncovered for the first time. These 22 clades were mainly placed in Boletoideae and the Pulveroboletus Group. The results further indicated that the characters frequently used in the morphology-based taxonomy of Boletaceae, such as basidiospore ornamentation, the form of the basidioma, and the stuffed pores each had multiple origins within the family, suggesting that the use of such features for high-level classification of Boletaceae should be de-emphasized and combined with other characters.

Yao YJ, Wei JC, Zhuang WY, Cai L, Liu DM, Li JS, Wei TZ, Li Y, Wang K, Wu HJ, 2020.

Development of red list assessment of macrofungi in China

Biodiversity Science, 28:4-10 (in Chinese)

DOI:10.17520/biods.2019173      URL    

Zeng NK, Tang LP, Li YC, Tolgor B, Zhu XT, Zhao Q, Yang ZL, 2013.

The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: morphological and multilocus DNA sequence inference

Fungal Diversity, 58:73-101

DOI:10.1007/s13225-012-0184-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Species of the genus Phylloporus in China were investigated based on morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis of a three-locus (nrLSU, ITS and tef-1a) DNA sequence dataset. Twenty-one phylogenetic species were recognized among the studied collections. Seven of them are described as new: P. brunneiceps, P. imbricatus, P. maculatus, P. pachycystidiatus, P. rubeolus, P. rubrosquamosus, and P. yunnanensis. In addition, four of them correspond with the previous morphology-based taxa: P. bellus, P. luxiensis, P. parvisporus, and P. rufescens. The remaining ten phylogenetic species were not described due to the paucity of the materials. A key to the Chinese morphologically recognizable taxa was provided. A preliminary biogeographical analysis showed that (1) Pylloporus species in East Asia and Southeast Asia are mostly closely related, (2) species pairs or closely related species of Phylloporus between East Asia and North/Central America are relatively common, and (3) the biogeographic relationship of Phylloporus between East Asia and Europe was supported by only a single species pair. Unexpectedly, no taxa common either to both Europe and East Asia, or to both East Asia and North/Central America, were uncovered. Clades look to have taxa from both sides of the Pacific and Europe/Asia though.

Zhao CL, Cui BK, Dai YC, 2013.

New species and phylogeny of Perenniporia based on morphological and molecular characters

Fungal Diversity, 58:47-60

DOI:10.1007/s13225-012-0177-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three new resupinate, poroid, wood-inhabiting fungi, Perenniporia aridula, P. bannaensis and P. substraminea, are introduced on the basis of morphological and molecular characters. Molecular study based on sequence data from the ribosomal ITS and LSU regions supported the three new species' positions in Perenniporia s.s., and all of them formed monophyletic lineages with strong support (100 % BP, 1.00 BPP). Phylogenetic analysis revealed seven clades for the 31 species of Perenniporia s.l. used in this study. Among them, Perenniporiella clustered with Perenniporia ochroleuca group, and then subsequently grouped with Abundisporus. In addition, the P. ochroleuca group, the P. vicina group, the P. martia group and P. subacida formed well supported monophyletic entities, which could be recognized as distinct genera, and they are not related to P. medulla-panis which belongs to Perenniporia s.s. clade. An identification key to 38 species of Perenniporia occurring in China is provided.

Zhao RL, Li GJ, Sánchez-Ramírez S, Stata M, Yang ZL, Wu G, Dai YC, He SH, Cui BK, Zhou JL, Wu F, He MQ, Moncalvo JM, Hyde KD, 2017.

A six-gene phylogenetic overview of Basidiomycota and allied phyla with estimated divergence times of higher taxa and a phyloproteomics perspective

Fungal Diversity, 84(1):43-74

DOI:10.1007/s13225-017-0381-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zhao RL, Zhou JL, Chen J, Margaritescu S, Sánchez-Ramírez S, Hyde KD, Callac P, Parra LA, Li GJ, Moncalvo JM, 2016.

Towards standardizing taxonomic ranks using divergence times - a case study for reconstruction of the Agaricus taxonomic system

Fungal Diversity, 78:239-292

DOI:10.1007/s13225-016-0357-x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

戴玉成, 杨祝良, 崔宝凯, 吴刚, 袁海生, 周丽伟, 何双辉, 葛再伟, 吴芳, 魏玉莲, 员瑗, 司静, 2021.


菌物学报, 40(4):770-805

[本文引用: 1]

戴玉成, 庄剑云, 2010.


菌物学报, 29(5):625-628

URL     [本文引用: 1]


魏江春, 2010.


生物多样性保护, 25:645-650

[本文引用: 1]

姚一建, 魏江春, 庄文颖, 蔡蕾, 刘冬梅, 李俊生, 魏铁铮, 李熠, 王科, 吴海军, 2020.


生物多样性, 28(1):4-10

DOI:10.17520/biods.2019173      PMID:EAD036E2-0221-4F52-B650-80CF1E8509A7      [本文引用: 1]

大型真菌具有重要的生态价值和经济价值, 但由于环境污染、气候变化、生境丧失与破碎化, 以及资源过度利用等因素, 其生物多样性受到严重威胁。为了全面评估中国大型真菌的生存状况, 国家生态环境部(原环境保护部)联合中国科学院于2016年启动了《中国生物多样性红色名录——大型真菌卷》的编制工作。经广泛和全面收集文献资料, 依据IUCN物种红色名录等级与标准, 结合大型真菌特点和国内研究现状, 制定了中国大型真菌红色名录评估方法和流程, 动员和组织了全国相关研究力量, 对9,302种大型真菌的受威胁状况进行了评估。结果显示, 中国大型真菌受威胁物种(包括疑似灭绝、极危、濒危、易危)共97个, 占被评估物种总数的1.04%; 近危101种, 占总数的1.09%; 无危2,764种, 占总数的29.71%; 数据不足6,340种, 占总数的68.16%。此次评估工作汇集了全国140多位专家的智慧, 是国内外迄今为止涉及物种数量最大、类群范围最宽、覆盖地域最广、参与人员最多的一次大型真菌生存状况评估, 对我国大型真菌多样性保护与管理具有重要意义。
