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Biological characteristics and domestication cultivation of Sparassis subalpina
GE Yanhong, HE Jianqing, HAN Zhen, XU Dong, LIU Haixin
Mycosystema, 2024, 43(12): 240092.   DOI: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.240092

Growth factor
Growth rate (cm/d)
Significant difference
Mycelial growth vigor
α=0.05 α=0.01
腺嘌呤 Adenine 0.18±0.02 bc CD +
吲哚乙酸 Indole acetic acid 0.16±0.01 cd CD ++
吲哚丁酸 Indole butyric acid 0.19±0.01 b C ++
赖氨酸 Lysine 0.15±0.01 d D ++
烟酸 Nicotinic acid 0.20±0.01 b BC ++
维生素B1 Vitamin B1 0.25±0.00 a A +++
维生素C Vitamin C 0.24±0.00 a A +++
对照 CK 0.23±0.01 a AB ++
Table 8 Effects of different growth factors on the mycelial growth of Sparassis subalpina
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