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Figure/Table detail
Biological characteristics and domestication cultivation of
Sparassis subalpina
GE Yanhong, HE Jianqing, HAN Zhen, XU Dong, LIU Haixin
, 2024, 43(
): 240092. DOI:
Fig. 7
Growth of mycelium at different temperatures of
Sparassis subalpina
Other figure/table from this article
Table 1
Orthogonal experimental design
Table 2
Recipe of stock culture medium
Table 3
Screening test of stock culture medium for
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 1
Screening test of stock culture medium for
Sparassis subalpina
A: Potato pine needle dextrose agar (PPDA) medium; B: Potato pine sawdust dextrose agar (PSDA) medium; C: Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium; D: PDA comprehensive medium; E: PDA comprehensive medium mixed with VB
; F: Carrot pine needles dextrose agar (CPDA) medium; G: Carrot pine sawdust dextrose agar (CSDA) medium; H: Carrot dextrose agar (CDA) medium; I: Combined medium.
Table 4
Effects of different carbon sources on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 2
Effects of different carbon sources on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 5
Effects of different nitrogen sources on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 3
Effects of different nitrogen sources on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 6
Effects of different inorganic salts on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 4
Growth of mycelia in different inorganic salt substrates of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 7
Effects of different pH on the mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 5
Mycelial growth at different pH of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 8
Effects of different growth factors on the mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 6
Mycelial growth under different growth factor substrates of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 9
Effects of different temperatures on the growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 10
Effects of different C:N ratios on mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 8
Growth of mycelia on the media with different C/N ratios of
Sparassis subalpina
Table 11
Analysis of the results of orthogonal experiments of the mycelial growth of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 9
The growth of mycelia in orthogonal experiments.
Table 12
The analysis of variance for the orthogonal test
Fig. 10
Enzyme activities of
Sparassis subalpina
Fig. 11
The growth rate of mycelium in different cultivation substrates.
1: Corn flour; 2: Peanut flour; 3: Soybean flour; 4: Highland barley flour; 5: Wheat flour; 6: Glutinous rice flour. The same below.
Table 13
The influence of different formulations on the formation of fruiting bodies
Table 14
The influence of different formulations on the formation of fruiting bodies
Fig. 12
The content of organic matter in different cultivation substrate.
Fig. 13
The whole period of cultivation.
Fig. 14
Cultivated fruiting bodies.