Research progress on bioactive secondary metabolites of lichens and endolichenic fungi
责任编辑: 韩丽
收稿日期: 2020-10-14 接受日期: 2020-12-17 网络出版日期: 2021-01-22
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Corresponding authors: *E-mail:liul@im.ac.cn,hhhyyy1982@163.com
Received: 2020-10-14 Accepted: 2020-12-17 Online: 2021-01-22
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Lichen, a symbiotic organism of fungi and algae, has special physiological structure and unique living environment. It can survive in harsh environments such as deserts, high mountains, and frozen soils. Lichens and their endolichenic fungi product many secondary metabolites that exhibit divers bioactivities with potential application values. This review focuses on the recent research progresses of the bioactive secondary metabolites from lichens and their endolichenic fungi.
程璐, 翟亚楠, 孙立彦, 刘玲.
CHENG Lu, ZHAI Ya-Nan, SUN Li-Yan, LIU Ling.
地衣是一种菌藻共生体,其中的共生菌以子囊菌为主,少数为担子菌,共生藻为蓝藻或绿藻。构成地衣的共生真菌称为地衣型真菌(lichenized fungi),而存在于地衣体的非地衣型真菌(non-lichen-forming fungi)也是一个数量庞大的类群,被称为地衣内生真菌(endolichenic fungi)(黄远帆等 2012)。全世界已知的地衣种类有1 002个属、19 409个种(Lücking et al. 2017),中国分布的地衣型真菌约418属、3 050种,200种为中国所特有(魏江春2016;魏江春 2018)。我国地衣资源的丰富性为研究工作者提供了较好的平台,地衣入药在我国也有着悠久的历史。地衣的主要成分为地衣多糖和地衣酸,具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗菌等活性,其次级代谢产物也有很多相似生物活性,具有很高的研究价值,也将是未来的研究热点。
1 地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物的活性研究
1.1 抗菌活性
近年来,随着抗生素的大量使用,耐药性的快速增长成为人们日益关注的问题之一,对新型抗菌物质的研究也成为当务之急。已有研究发现,地衣及其内生真菌具有广泛的抗菌活性,所以对其次级代谢产物的抗菌活性进行测试和评价尤为重要(倪赛 2018)。
Ding et al.(2009)在地衣内生真菌Pestalotiopsis sp.中发现了对革兰氏阳性菌金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus有抑制活性的ambuic acid(1)和18-O-acetyl ambuic acid(2)(图1),半数抑制浓度IC50值分别为43.91和27.81μmol/L(表1)。
表1 地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物的抗菌活性
Table 1
化合物/提取物 Compounds/extracts | 抗菌活性 Antibacterial activity | 活性值 Activity value | 参考文献 Reference | |
IC50 (μmol/L) | MIC (μmol/L) | |||
Ambuic acid(1) | 金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus | 43.91 | / | Ding et al. 2009 |
18-O-acetyl ambuic acid(2) | 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus | 27.81 | / | Ding et al. 2009 |
Coniothiepinol A(3) | 屎肠球菌Enterococcus faecium 粪肠球菌Enterococcus faecalis | 11.23 32.89 | / / | Wang et al. 2010 |
Coniothiepinol B(4) | 屎肠球菌E. faecium 粪肠球菌E. faecalis | 5.95 14.55 | / / | Wang et al. 2010 |
Coniothienol A(5) | 尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum | 9.05 | / | Wang et al. 2010 |
化合物Compound(6) | 枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus | 88 39.6 | / / | Bhattarai et al. 2013 |
化合物Compound(7) | 枯草芽孢杆菌B. subtilis 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus | 44 35.2 | / / | Bhattarai et al. 2013 |
松萝酸Usnic acid(9) 原岛衣酸Protocetraric acid(10) 皱梅衣酸Caperatic acid(11) Aspergyllone(12) | 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus 近光滑假丝酵母Candida parapsilosis | / / / 279.56 | 21.80 33.42 24.87 / | Dieu et et al. 2019 Dieu et et al. 2019 Dieu et et al. 2019 Padhi et al. 2019a |
Aurasperones A(13) | 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus | 279.56 | / | Padhi et al. 2019a |
Pyrophen(18) | 近光滑假丝酵母C. parapsilosis | 121.95 | / | Padhi et al. 2019a |
Funiculosone(19) | 大肠杆菌Escherichia coli 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus 近光滑假丝酵母C. parapsilosis | 86.20 200.00 120.69 | / / / | Padhi et al. 2019b |
乙酰柠檬酸三丁酯 Acetyl tributyl citrate(23) | 肺炎克雷伯菌Klebsiella pneumoniae 铜绿假单胞菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa 金黄色葡萄球菌S. aureus | 3.11 0.19 0.78 | / / / | Tan et al. 2020 |
Wang et al.(2010)报导了从地衣内生真菌Coniochaeta sp.中发现的3个新颖的含硫聚酮类化合物coniothiepinol A(3)、coniothiepinol B(4)和coniothienol A(5)(图1)。其中化合物3对革兰氏阳性菌屎肠球菌Enterococcus faecium和粪肠球菌Enterococcus faecalis的IC50值分别为11.23和32.89μmol/L,化合物4对这两种细菌也具有较强的抗性,IC50值分别为5.95和14.55μmol/L,此外化合物3还对植物致病真菌尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum有抗性,IC50值为39.05μmol/L(表1)。
Bhattarai et al.(2013)在研究南极地衣次级代谢产物时从Stereocaulon alpinum (Laurer)中分离得到了3种新的松萝酸衍生物(6‒8)(图1),结果显示化合物6和7对革兰氏阳性菌枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis和金黄色葡萄球菌有抑制效果(表1)。
Padhi et al.(2017)在研究地衣Parmelia caperata (Ach.)的一株内生真菌Aspergillus tubingensis FGRK7的抗菌活性时,发现其发酵液粗提物对真菌病原菌具有相当强的抑制效果,对Trichophyton mentagrophytes抑制效果最明显,其次是白色念珠菌Candida albicans和克鲁斯假丝酵母菌Candida crusei。后期研究发现其对细菌病原菌也表现出中等抗性:对枯草芽孢杆菌的抑制效果最明显,其次是铜绿假单胞菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa。
Felczykowska et al.(2017)对从波兰采集的3种常见的地衣:Protoparmeliopsis muralis(M. Choisy)、Caloplaca pusilla (Zahlbr.)和Xanthoria parietina (Th. Fr.)进行了研究,其中石墙原类梅P. muralis的丙酮提取物对枯草芽孢杆菌、粪肠球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等革兰氏阳性菌有较强的抗性,最低抑菌浓度MIC在6.67‒ 100.00μg/mL之间(表1)。
范海云等(2019)对8种肺衣属地衣内生真菌展开研究,发现其中8株内生真菌的发酵液对不同的细菌或真菌显示出一定的抗性。其中发酵液HL031B2、HL218A1和YSSL31A1对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑制活性;而HL217A2、YSSL31A2、HL058-2和HL058-4对黑曲霉Aspergillus niger表现出较好的抑制效果;HL218C1对铜绿假单胞菌有较好的抑制效果。
Dieu et al.(2019)对地衣Usnea florida (F.H. Wigg.)和Flavoparmelia caperata (Hale)的丙酮提取物进行了研究,发现其对金黄色葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌均具有抑制效果。采用生物自显影法和肉汤稀释法测定了其次级代谢产物中主要的3种化合物松萝酸usnic acid(9)、原岛衣酸protocetraric acid(10)和皱梅衣酸caperatic acid(11)(图1)对金黄色葡萄球菌的抗菌活性,结果表明MIC值分别为21.80、33.42和24.87μmol/L(表1)。
Padhi et al.(2019a)在从印度采集的一株地衣Parmotrema ravum (Sérus.)中分离到内生真菌Aspergillus niger,在其培养液中分离出一种新的6-苄基-Ƴ-吡喃酮化合物aspergyllone(12),是首次从内生真菌中分离得到的,还分离得到其他6种已知的代谢物aurasperones A(13)和D(14)、asperpyrone A(15)、fonsecinone A(16)、carbonarone A(17)和pyrophen(18)(图1)。生物活性评价结果表明,化合物12和18对近光滑假丝酵母Candida parapsilosis具有抗性,IC50值分别为279.56和121.95μmol/L。化合物13对金黄色葡萄球菌具有抗性,IC50值为196.49μmol/L(表1)。
同年,Padhi et al.(2019b)从地衣Diorygma hieroglyphicum (Staiger & Kalb)的内生真菌Talaromyces funiculosus培养液中分离出一种新的杂蒽酮化合物,命名为funiculosone(19)(图1),经测定该化合物对大肠杆菌Escherichia coli和金黄色葡萄球菌均具有抑制效果, IC50值分别为86.20和200μmol/L,同时具有抗白色念珠菌活性,其IC50值为120.69μmol/L (表1)。
Nugraha et al.(2020)对采自印度尼西亚的叶状地衣Parmelia cetrata (Ach.)进行化学研究,成功分离出13种苯酚衍生物,活性测试结果表明,2,4-dihydroxyl-6-pentylbenzoate(20)和lecanoric acid(21)(图1)在100mmol/L浓度下对Caenorhabditis elegans的生长有抑制作用,抑制值分别为49%和100%,并推测抗菌活性可能与它们的游离羧基有关。
Tan et al.(2020)从地衣Parmotrema rampoddense (Hale)中分离到9种内生真菌,经测定Fusarium proliferatum、Nemania primolutea和Daldinia eschsholtzii 3种内生真菌的提取物对粪肠球菌ATCC 29212、金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC 25923、肺炎克雷伯菌ATCC 13583、鲍曼不动杆菌NCIMB 12457和铜绿假单胞菌ATCC 27853均有抑制效果,其中F. proliferatum提取物对粪肠球菌和金黄色葡萄球菌具有明显抗性。进一步对F. proliferatum乙酸乙酯提取物分离纯化,得到化合物bis(2-ethylhexyl)tere-phthalate(22)、acetyl tributyl citrate(23)和fusarubin(24)(图1)。其中化合物23对肺炎克雷伯菌Klebsiella pneumoniae、铜绿假单胞菌和金黄色葡萄球菌具有抗性(表1)。
1.2 肿瘤细胞毒活性
Paranagama和Wijeratne在2007年和2010年对从地衣内生真菌Corynespora sp. BA-10763分离得到的两种庚烯酮类化合物进行研究,发现其中化合物1-甲氧基脱氢血红素1-methoxydehydroherbarin(25)(图2)对人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231具有细胞毒活性,IC50值为4.56μmol/L;化合物herbarin(26)对人前列腺癌细胞株PC-3M具有细胞毒活性,IC50值为9.13μmol/L(表2)(Paranagama et al. 2007;Wijeratne et al. 2010)。
表2 地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物的细胞毒活性
Table 2
化合物 Compounds | 细胞毒活性 Cytotoxic activity | IC50 (μmol/L) | 参考文献 Reference |
1-甲氧基脱氢血红素 1-methoxydehydroherbarin(25) | 人乳腺癌细胞株 Human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 | 4.56 | Wijeratne et al. 2010 |
Herbarin(26) | 人前列腺癌细胞株 Human prostate cancer cell line PC-3M | 9.13 | Wijeratne et al. 2010 |
1,2-脱氢羟基柠檬霉素 1,2-dehydroxylcitromycetin(27) | 人白血病细胞株 Leukemia cell line K562 | 18.90 | Yuan et al. 2011 |
2,3-二氢-2-正丁氧基氢氟酸 2,3-dihydro-2-n-butyloxyanhydrofulvic acid(28) | 人白血病细胞株 Leukemia cell line K562 | 32.20 | Yuan et al. 2011 |
化合物Compound(29) | 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株 Murine lymphoma cell line L5178 | 2.6 | Wang et al. 2017 |
化合物Compound(30) | 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株 Murine lymphoma cell line L5178 | 0.2 | Wang et al. 2017 |
化合物Compound(31) | 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株 Murine lymphoma cell line L5178 | 2.1 | Wang et al. 2017 |
化合物Compound(32) 化合物Compound(33) 化合物Compound(37) | 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株 Murine lymphoma cell line L5178 小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株 Murine lymphoma cell line L5178 人癌细胞A549 Human cancer cell line A549 | 2.7 1.7 6.2 | Wang et al. 2017 Wang et al. 2017 Li et al. 2019 |
Isocoumarindole A(41) | 人胰腺癌细胞株Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line MIA-PaCa-2 人胰腺癌细胞株Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line AsPC-1 | 1.63 5.53 | Chen et al. 2019 |
Sporogen-AO-1(43) | 人癌细胞Human cancer cell line K562 | 87.20±0.76 | Vo et al. 2020 |
Wang et al.(2017)从地衣Cladonia sp.中分离得到的内生真菌Apiospora montagnei在大米培养基上培养,得到3个新化合物以及19个已知化合物,将NaCl或NH4Cl添加到培养基中,又分离出4个已知化合物。其中化合物29‒33(图2)对小鼠淋巴瘤细胞株L5178表现出显著的细胞毒活性,其IC50值分别为2.6、0.2、2.1、2.7和1.7μmol/L(表2)。
Yang et al.(2018)在2010年从中国沙漠采集的石果衣Endocarpon pusillum (Hedw.)中分离得到的内生真菌EL002332的丙酮提取物对人胃癌细胞AGS和小鼠结肠癌细胞CT26具有细胞毒活性,IC50值分别为1.98和1.84μg/mL。皮肤和腹腔内移植瘤实验表明,EL002332粗提物治疗组肿瘤大小及肿瘤评分均明显小于对照组,EL002332粗提物与对照药物docetaxel具有协同作用。
Li et al.(2019)从地衣内生真菌Aspergillus unguis中分离到7个新的倍半萜类化合物asperunguisins A‒F(34‒40)(图3),并选取了6种人肿瘤细胞株(HT-29、A549、U251、U87、SMMC-7721和HepG2)进行细胞毒性评价,结果表明化合物37对A549细胞有明显的抑制作用,IC50值为6.2μmol/L,对其他细胞具有较弱毒活性,IC50值范围在12.6‒20.1μmol/L(表2)。
Chen et al.(2019)从地衣内生真菌Aspergillus sp. CPCC 400810中分离到一种新的聚酮-非核糖体肽(PKS-NRPS)杂合化合物Isocoumarindole A(41)(图2),经测定化合物41对人胰腺癌细胞株MIA-PaCa-2和AsPC-1具有显著的细胞毒活性,其IC50值分别为1.63和5.53μmol/L(表2),与阳性对照gemcitabine(IC50值分别为1.02和20.10μmol/L)相当。
Vo et al.(2020)从地衣Graphis sp.中分离出一个新化合物graphilane(42)和两个已知的化合物sporo-gen-AO-1(43)和sporogen-AO- 2(44)(图2)。经测定化合物43对人K562癌细胞有一定的细胞毒性,其IC50值为(87.20± 0.76)μmol/L(表2)。
1.3 抗氧化活性
人体经常暴露在自由基中,这些自由基是不成对的含电子的反应分子,以其对细胞器,特别是神经和胶质细胞造成氧化损伤的致命毒性而闻名(Sherki et al. 2001;Wang & Michaelis 2010)。这种对生物分子的氧化应激作用显著增加了神经元的凋亡,并导致衰老过程中的各种病理变化(Uttara et al. 2009)。抗氧化剂通过中和自由基来抑制自由基的有害作用,并通过对抗氧化应激途径达到良好的神经保护作用(Zbarsky et al. 2001;Zhao & Zhao 2013)。
Luo et al.(2009)发现地衣Umbilicaria antarctica (Frey & I.M. Lamb)的丙酮提取物中的主要抗氧化成分是茶渍酸lecanoric acid。
从Xanthoparmelia属地衣中分离得到的地衣次级代谢产物salazinic、usnic和stictic acids在氧自由基吸收能力试验(ORAC)中,表现出能够保护人体U373 MG型细胞免于过氧化氢伤害的作用,结果表明其可以作为抗氧化载体,用于治疗过氧化伤害引发的神经系统紊乱疾病,如老年痴呆症和帕金森病等(Paz et al. 2010)。
Savale et al.(2015)评价了采自喜马拉雅山的地衣Cetrelia olivetorum (W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.)菌体提取物及其衍生培养液的抗氧化活性。结果显示,该地衣的菌体提取物对自由基清除活性的IC50值在50‒60μg/mL之间,而阳性对照水溶性维生素E的IC50值在12‒29μg/mL之间(表3),其表现出的自由基清除活力具有治疗神经退行性疾病的潜力。
表3 地衣提取物及次级代谢产物的抗氧化活性
Table 3
化合物/提取物 Compounds/extracts | 抗氧化活性IC50 Antioxidant activity IC50 | 参考文献 Reference |
橄榄斑叶菌体提取物Cetrelia olivetorum | 50‒60μg/mL | Savale et al. 2015 |
碟形皮叶丙酮提取物Pleurosticta acetabulum | 151.01μg/mL | Tomović et al. 2017 |
脱镁叶绿素甲酯酸b (phaeophorbide b)(45) | (69.77±0.10)μmol/L | Liu et al. 2018 |
南极松萝地衣丙酮提取物Usnea antarctica | 169.64μg/mL | Bailon et al. 2019 |
松萝属地衣丙酮提取物Usnea aurantiaco-atra | 270.82μg/mL | Bailon et al. 2019 |
Tomović et al.(2017)对地衣Pleurosticta acetabulum (Elix & Lumbsch)的丙酮提取物进行了化学研究,发现其对1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl)即DPPH自由基清除能力的IC50值为151.01μg/mL (表3)。
柳润东等(2018)在研究荒漠地衣石果衣Endocarpon pusillum (Hedw.)时采用激活培养从其共生藻柯氏复球藻Diplosphaera chodatii中分离出3个脱镁叶绿素类化合物,脱镁叶绿素甲酯酸b(phaeophorbide b)(45)、13-表-脱镁叶绿素甲酯酸a(13-epi-phaeophorbide a)(46)及脱镁叶绿素甲酯酸a(phaeophorbidea)(47)(图3)。在200μmol/L浓度下,化合物45具有中等的DPPH自由基清除活性,IC50值为(69.77±0.10)μmol/L(表3)。
Prokop’ev & Filippova(2019)对采集于雅库特和白俄罗斯的15种Cladonia属地衣的主要次级代谢物进行了生物活性研究(Prokop’ev et al. 2018),其中抗自由基的活性是采用分光光度法进行测定的(Marcocci et al. 1994)结果表明,化合物barbatic、fumarprotocetraric、squamatic和thamnolic acids对超氧阴离子自由基的抗自由基活性最高,与二氢槲皮素(DHQ)在统计学上没有区别。一氧化氮(NO)是一种具有广谱生物活性的自由基,它会将超氧物变成有毒的过氧亚硝酸盐阴离子(Men’shchikova et al. 2012),所以测定化合物对NO自由基的活性也是衡量抗氧化能力的一种测试。经测定化合物atranorin、fumarprotocetraric、thamnolic acids和usnic acids对NO自由基具有很高的活性。fumarprotocetraric和usnic acids的活性是DHQ的1.6‒1.7倍。同时,还研究了化合物对抑制脂质过氧化(LPO)和将Fe(III)还原为Fe(II)的能力。化合物perlatolic、squamatic和thamnolic acids是最有效的LPO抑制剂,其活性在统计学上与DHQ相同。
Bailon et al.(2019)在第23次秘鲁科学考察(ANTAR XXIII-2015)期间从南极科学站“马丘比丘”收集了南极洲地衣Usnea antarctica (Du Rietz)和Usnea aurantiaco-atra (Bory),后续研究中对其丙酮的提取物进行了ABTS法(2,2’-联氮-双-3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸)评价抗氧化能力,根据ABTS自由基的减少速率来评估每个地衣中Methanol-acetone extract (MAE)的抗氧化能力,经测定U. antarctica的IC50值为169.64μg/mL,U. aurantiaco-atra的IC50值为270.82μg/mL(表3)。
Dawoud et al.(2019)从曼杰里、喀拉拉邦和印度陆地地区采集的地衣样品中分离到内生真菌Bacillus sp. DBS4,并通过DPPH和铁离子抗氧化FRAP(Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power)能力测定评估了其中色素提取物的总抗氧化能力,以抗坏血酸(AAE)(21.45± 1.212)μg/mL为对照,发现地衣黄色素提取物的半数清除浓度(SC50)为(75.125±0.18)μg/mL。
Tatipamula & Kukavica(2020)研究了地衣Dirinaria consimilis (D.D. Awasthi)丙酮和甲醇提取物对大鼠红细胞内联苯菊酯(bifentrin)和二嗪农(diazinon)毒性的保护作用。据报道,杀虫剂联苯菊酯和二嗪农中毒会产生自由基,从而改变红细胞的抗氧化防御系统。本实验通过分光光度法,评估所有样本的血红蛋白(Hb)浓度、丙二醛(MDA)水平、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的变化以及谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)活性。结果表明,两种杀虫剂均对大鼠红细胞有剧毒作用。与对照组相比,杀虫剂组和丙酮组大鼠红细胞中MDA含量和GST活性均极低。与对照组相比,两种杀虫剂预处理的丙酮组,总Hb浓度、SOD和CAT活性均有显著提高。
1.4 其他活性
1.4.1 抗病毒活性:He et al.(2012)研究发现地衣内生真菌Nigrospora sphaerica 的乙酸乙酯粗提物在12.5μg/mL时对单纯性疱疹病毒(HSV)抑制率为67.1%,进一步分离得到的化合物交链孢酚alternariol(48)和交链孢醇单甲醚alternariol-9-methylether(49)(图4)对HSV的IC50值分别为12.79和20.24μmol/L(表4)。
表4 地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物的其他活性
Table 4
化合物/提取物 Compounds/Extracts | 其他活性 Other activities | 活性值Activity value | 参考文献 Reference | |
IC50 (μmol/L) | MIC (μmol/L) | |||
交链孢酚Alternariol(48) | 单纯性疱疹病毒 herpes simplex virus (HSV) | 12.79 | / | He et al. 2012 |
交链孢醇单甲醚 Alternariol-9-methylether(49) | 单纯性疱疹病毒 herpes simplex virus (HSV) | 20.24 | / | He et al. 2012 |
藿烷-6α, 22-二醇 Hopane-6α, 22-diol(50) | 结核杆菌 Mycobacterium tuberculosis | 19.14 | / | König et al. 1999 |
地弗地衣酸Diffractaic acid(51) | 结核杆菌M. tuberculosis | / | 41.6 | Honda et al. 2010 |
降斑点酸Norstictic acid(52) | 结核杆菌M. tuberculosis | / | 168 | Honda et al. 2010 |
Oxaspirol B(64) | 抑制p97 ATP酶 Inhibition of p97 ATPase | 31.2±3.0 | / | Wijeratne et al. 2015 |
1.4.2 抗结核病:König et al.(1999)对4种地衣代谢产物进行活性试验时,发现藿烷-6α, 22-二醇hopane-6α, 22-diol(50)具有抗结核杆菌Mycobacterium tuberculosis活性,MIC为19.14μmol/L。Honda et al.(2010)研究几种地衣次级代谢产物对抗结核杆菌作用时发现,化合物地弗地衣酸diffractaic acid(51)抗结核杆菌活性较强,MIC为41.6μmol/L;其次是降斑点酸norstictic acid(52)(图4),MIC为168μmol/L(表4)。
1.4.3 皮肤防紫外线保护剂:Zhao et al.(2017)从地衣Parmotrema austrosinense (Hale)内生真菌ELF000039的次级代谢产物中分离了的(3R)-5-hydroxymellein(53)(图4),并证实其具有吸收短波紫外线(UVB)的功能。利用实验测定其修复HaCaT细胞紫外线损伤的能力,UVB照射和二甲基亚砜(DMSO)(阴性对照)处理后的细胞存活率在39.89%‒ 48.88%之间,未经UVB照射和DMSO处理的细胞存活率均为100%。选取一种确定的保护皮肤细胞免受UVB影响的药物抗坏血酸(ASA)作为对照,在UVB照射后,ASA和化合物53在100μg/mL浓度下处理HaCaT细胞的有效性分别提高到85%和98%,说明HaCaT细胞在化合物53处理下的有效性高于ASA(Darr et al. 1992;He & Häder 2002)。以上结果表明化合物53对UVB辐射损伤的人角质形成细胞具有较高的修复能力,为防晒用品的研发提供新思路。
1.4.4 抑制生物膜活性:Lagarde et al.(2019)用四氮唑盐(XTT)法和结晶紫法分别测定了肾盘衣属地衣Nephroma laevigatum (Ach.)中分离的内生真菌对真菌和细菌生物膜的抑制作用。其中4种提取物对白色念珠菌生物膜有抑制作用,IC50值在25‒200μg/mL之间(表4)。Prateeksha et al.(2020)研究长松萝内生真菌Aspergillus quandricinctus生物活性时,发现在4mg/mL浓度下,铜绿假单胞菌PAO1的生物膜形成抑制率为50%。在生物膜形成的光镜分析中,观察到当化合物使用不同浓度(2、4和6mg/mL)处理时,生物膜动力学会逐渐降低。该结论对未来解决病原菌的抗药性提供了新的思路。
1.4.5 抗基因毒性:Garawani et al.(2020)对采集的地衣Candelariella vitellina (Müll. Arg.)样品提取物进行化学研究,在正常人外周血淋巴细胞(HPBL)中检测了提取物(25和50μg/mL)对丝裂霉素C(MMC)的抗基因毒作用。流式细胞仪分析细胞周期分布和凋亡(Annexin V/PI)结果表明,该提取物能显著(P≤0.05)减轻MMC毒性,减少凋亡细胞,使细胞周期相正常化,通过改善MMC引起的有丝分裂指数下降和DNA单链断裂。
1.4.6 乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制作用:Li et al.(2018)从地衣内生真菌Ophiosphaerella korrae中分离到Ophiosphaerellins A-I (54-62)(图4),发现了双环[4.1.0]庚烯酮的新骨架。经薄层色谱生物自动显影法初步试验发现,这种类型的化合物显示出中度乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)抑制作用,为进一步化学修饰寻找AChE抑制剂提供了可能。
1.4.7 ATP酶抑制活性:Wijeratne et al.(2015)从地衣Cladonia evansii (Abbayes)内生真菌Lecythophora sp. FL1031中纯化分离得到oxaspirol A-C (63‒65)(图4),从地衣Parmotrema tinctorum内生真菌Lecythophora sp. FL1375中纯化分离得到一个新化合物oxaspirol D(66)(图4)。经测定,化合物64对p97 ATP酶(一种利用ATP裂解产生的能量完成其他反应的酶)有中等程度的抑制活性,IC50值为(31.2±3.0)μmol/L(表4),可为后续新药研发提供新的思路。
2 研究近况及未来展望
地衣生活在土壤、树木、岩石等表面,并能在恶劣的环境中生长。生存环境苛刻,生长速度缓慢以及无法人工栽培,使地衣成为生态系统中极其脆弱的一类生物资源,特别是一些地衣来源的重要有效成分,在其作用机制尚未得到充分的认识前就已步入濒临绝迹的境地。地衣作为难以获取的生物材料,其在实验室中的培养条件较为特殊,并且培养周期较长,众多的限制条件导致目前国内外关于地衣的研究相对较少。随着国民经济的发展,亟待加强对地衣的有效成分、药理活性和相关真菌次级代谢产物等方面的研究。地衣入药历史悠久,其中蕴藏的多样天然产物资源,对人类探索新药源、新食品等诸多方面都有着重要研究价值。已有研究发现地衣型真菌中次级代谢相关基因大多数都处于沉默状态,导致不同地衣不产或少产相应的次级代谢产物,从地衣中获得生物活性物质似乎变得更加困难,严重阻碍了研究者们对地衣的研究(魏江春 2018)。目前已从地衣及其内生真菌中获得具有抗肿瘤、抗真菌、抗细菌、抗病毒或清除自由基等生物活性次级代谢产物,其结构类型包括萜类、色原酮类、蒽醌类、异香豆素类、环肽类、芳香类、庚烯酮类、甾体类、联苯类等。中国地大物博地形丰富,地衣资源极其丰富,且使用地衣的历史悠久,中国最早关于地衣的古籍记载是在《诗经·小雅》中:“茑与女萝,施于松柏”。李时珍在《本草纲目》中提及女萝生长于松树上,印证了其为松萝,还对它的功效做出描述“主治嗔怒邪气,止虚汗头风,女子阴寒肿痛”(杨美霞等 2018)。由此可见我国在地衣研究领域本来就具有先天优势。
笔者认为,地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物研究未来应该从以下几个方面展开:(1)加强对地衣共生菌和共生藻的分离纯化培养,从其内生真菌的发酵液中发掘活性产物,以此解决地衣生长缓慢和野生资源量少的状况。如著名的抗肿瘤药物——紫杉醇,最初其提取自红豆杉的树皮中,但是红豆杉生长非常缓慢,树皮材料的提纯产率也非常低,导致紫杉醇价格昂贵,无法量产。经过后续深入研究,学者们发现从红豆杉属植物内生真菌的发酵液中可以快速提取并获得大量的紫杉醇,从而促进了紫杉醇的量产和进一步研究(熊亮斌等2020)。参照其成功经验,我们对地衣的研究也可以通过对其内生真菌的发酵液进行提取分离,从而获取实验室正常培养条件下无法获得的代谢产物。(2)可以采用OSMAC(one strain-many compounds)策略(李娟等2018),通过共培养、改变培养基成分和培养条件、添加酶抑制剂和生物合成前体等因素来刺激地衣共生菌、藻或其内生真菌,在此基础上还可结合基因扫描技术(谢绵测等2015),激活调控其体内不同功能基因的表达状态,进而改变其代谢途径,深入挖掘其产生不同次级代谢产物的能力,从而可能获得骨架新颖、活性广泛的新化合物。(3)综合利用基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学、生物信息学与生物化学等多学科知识和技术,对地衣共生菌或其内生真菌中有重要价值的化合物进行生物合成途径研究,同时可进一步通过微生物代谢工程法和植物转化法等生物合成方法(徐德宏等2020;朱源等 2020),利用酶工程手段提高关键酶的催化效率,优化“细胞工厂”及发酵条件,提高目标化合物的产量和转化率,实现该化合物的工业化高效生产,推动地衣资源的可持续利用。(4)已有研究发现,真菌的次级代谢与其发育分化过程密切相关(Bennett & Bentley 1989)。真菌孢子形成的过程中普遍伴随着次级代谢物的产生,这对研究地衣的生理功能提供了思路。由于地衣特殊的共生机制及多样的繁殖方式,使其可以产生具有独特功能的次级代谢产物,进而对环境具有极强的适应能力。研究表明,地衣的光合共生物、生长型、繁殖方式等都可影响地衣的形态及分布格局(Zedda et al. 2011;胡涛等2016),故在此建议可深入研究地衣的代谢产物对地衣生理功能的作用,主要是对于地衣菌藻共生复合体的作用,以此来阐明这些化合物的生态或生物功能,必将推动地衣体菌藻共建研究。综上所述,地衣及其内生真菌是重要的资源宝库,地衣及其内生真菌次级代谢产物值得进一步深入挖掘,以期为新药研发提供重要的研究基础。
In vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of methanol-acetone extracts from Antarctic lichens (Usnea antarctica and Usnea aurantiaco- atra)
A new pseudodepsidone from the Antarctic lichen Stereocaulon alpinum and its antioxidant, antibacterial activity
Isocoumarindole A, a chlorinated isocoumarin and indole alkaloid hybrid metabolite from an endolichenic fungus Aspergillus sp
,Isocoumarindole A (1), a novel polyketide synthetase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase (PKS-NRPS) hybrid metabolite, was isolated from the endolichenic fungus Aspergillus sp. CPCC 400810. The structure of isocoumarindole A (1) was featured by an unprecedented skeleton containing chlorinated isocoumarin and indole diketopiperazine alkaloid moieties linked by a carbon-carbon bond, which was determined by a combination of spectroscopic analyses, Marfey's method, and calculations of NMR chemical shifts, ECD spectra, and optical rotation values. Isocoumarindole A showed significant cytotoxicity and mild antifungal activities.
Topical vitamin C protects porcine skin from ultraviolet radiation-induced damage
Characterization and antifungal activity of the yellow pigment produced by a Bacillus sp. DBS4 isolated from the lichen Dirinaria agealita
2019. Antibacterial activity of the lichens Usnea florida and Flavoparmelia caperata (Parmeliaceae)
Ambuic acid and torreyanic acid derivatives from the endolichenic fungus Pestalotiopsis sp
Identification and study of eight endophytic fungi with antimicrobial activity from Lobaria sp
Antibacterial and anticancer activities of acetone extracts from in vitro cultured lichen-forming fungi
In vitro antigenotoxic, antihelminthic andantioxidant potentials based on the extracted metabolites from lichen, Candelariella vitellina
Heptaketides with antiviral activity from three endolichenic fungal strains Nigrospora sp., Alternaria sp. and Phialophora sp
UV-B-induced formation of reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp.: protective effects of ascorbic acid and N-acetyl-L-cysteine
Antimycobacterial activity of lichen substances
,We describe here the extraction and identification of several classes of phenolic compounds from the lichens Parmotrema dilatatum (Vain.) Hale, Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale, Pseudoparmelia sphaerospora (Nyl.) Hale and Usnea subcavata (Motyka) and determined their anti-tubercular activity. The depsides (atranorin, diffractaic and lecanoric acids), depsidones (protocetraric, salazinic, hypostictic and norstictic acids), xanthones (lichexanthone and secalonic acid), and usnic acid, as well seven orsellinic acid esters, five salazinic acid 8',9'-O-alkyl derivatives and four lichexanthone derivatives, were evaluated for their activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diffractaic acid was the most active compound (MIC value 15.6mug/ml, 41.6 microM), followed by norstictic acid (MIC value 62.5 microg/ml, 168 microM) and usnic acid (MIC value 62.5 microg/ml, 182 microM). Hypostictic acid (MIC value 94.0 microg/ml, 251 microM) and protocetraric acid (MIC value 125 microg/ml, 334 microM) showed moderate inhibitory activity. The other compounds showed lower inhibitory activity on the growth of M. tuberculosis, varying from MIC values of 250 to 1370 microM.
Water relations and photosynthetic characteristics in different functional groups of epiphytic lichens in montane forest of Ailaoshan
Aims There are abundant epiphytic lichens in the tropical and subtropical montane forest ecosystems, which are important components of forest canopy and play a vital role in biodiversity conservation, environmental monitoring and nutrient cycling. In accordance with photobiont type, growth form and reproductive strategy, the epiphytic lichens can be divided into different functional groups, with different distribution patterns. In this study we aim to explain this phenomenon from the perspective of physiological ecology.
Methods The maximum water content, water loss curves, photosynthetic water and light response curves were determined in four epiphytic lichen functional groups, including cyanolichens, fruticose lichens, broadly lobed foliose lichens and narrowly lobed foliose lichens.
Important findings The functional characteristics of epiphytic lichens influence their maximum water-holding capacity and rate of water loss. The cyanolichens have higher maximum water content, while the fruticose lichens have a faster water loss. The cyanolichens that are widely distributed in the moist habitats require particularly high moisture for their photosynthetic activities; their optimal water content for photosynthesis is higher in comparison with other groups. They also have a low light compensation point and a high light saturation point, which explain the wide range of light intensity of the habitat. The fruticose lichens, widely distributed in the relatively arid habitats with high irradiance, have high light compensation point and light saturation point, and low optimum water content for photosynthesis. The broadly lobed foliose lichens and the narrowly lobed foliose lichens have a high light compensation point and light saturation point; they preferably occur in habitats with strong light.
A new diphenylether from an endophytic fungal strain, Aspergillus sp
1H and 13C-NMR and biological activity investigations of four lichen-derived compounds
Antiproliferative and antibiofilm potentials of endolichenic fungi associated with the lichen Nephrom laevigatum
Study on antibacterial activity of plant endophytic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus in garlic
Asperunguisins A-F, cytotoxic asperane sesterterpenoids from the endolichenic fungus Aspergillus unguis
Ophiosphaerellins A-I, polyketide-derived compounds from the endolichenic fungus Ophiosphaerella korrae
,Ophiosphaerellins A-I (1-9), the first example of bicyclo[4.1.0]heptenones, as well as their biosynthetic relatives ophiosphaerekorrins A-B (10-11) were isolated from the endolichenic fungus Ophiosphaerella korrae. Biosynthetically, they were derived from the polyketide pathway, and their absolute configurations were determined on the basis of the combination analysis of spectral data, circular dichroism calculations, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurement. Preliminary test with thin-layer chromatography bioautography found that this type of compounds showed moderate acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory effects.
A preliminary study on the secondary metabolites from the mycobiont and phycobiont of lichen Endocarpon pusillum
Corrections and amendments to the 2016 classification of lichenized fungi in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota
Lecanoric acid, a secondary lichen substance with antioxidant properties from Umbilicaria antarctica in maritime Antarctica (King George Island)
,Eight lichen species, Cetraria aculeata, Cladonia furcata, Pseudephebe pubescens, Sphaerophorus globosus, Stereocaulon alpinum, Umbilicaria antarctica, Usnea antarctica and Usnea aurantiacoatra, were collected from King George Island, maritime Antarctica, for the evaluation of antioxidant activities. Anti-linoleic acid peroxidation activity, free radical scavenging activity, reducing power and superoxide anion scavenging activity were assessed of methanol and acetone extract of the lichens in vitro. Extract of Umbilicaria antarctica, Cladonia furcata, Sphaerophorus globosus and Usnea antarctica were found to have strong in vitro antioxidant properties. In general, acetone extract exhibited stronger activities than methanol extract. The activity-guided bioautographic TLC and HPLC analysis demonstrated that lecanoric acid was the main antioxidant compound in the acetone extract of Umbilicaria antarctica, the most potent antioxidant lichen species among the test species. The results suggested that several Antarctic lichens and their substances can be used as novel bioresources of natural antioxidants.
Antioxidant action of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761
Evaluation of the antioxidant capacities and cytotoxic effects of ten Parmeliaceae lichen species
Screening and identification of antibacterial microorganisms and preliminary study on their secondary metabolites
Anthelmintic and antimicrobial activities of three new depsides and ten known depsides and phenols from Indonesian lichen: Parmelia cetrata Ach
In vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of methanol-acetone extracts from Antarctic lichens (Usnea antarctica and Usnea aurantiaco-atra)
Molecular characterization and antimicrobial activity of an endolichenic fungus, Aspergillus sp. isolated from Parmelia caperata of similipal biosphere reserve, India
Funiculosone, a substituted dihydroxanthene-1,9-dione with two of its analogues produced by an endolichenic fungus Talaromyces funiculosus and their antimicrobial activity
,An undescribed substituted dihydroxanthene-1,9-dione, named funiculosone, was isolated together with its two analogues identified as mangrovamide J and ravenelin, from the culture filtrates of Talaromyces funiculosus (Thom) Samson, Yilmaz, Frisvad & Seifert (Trichocomaceae), an endolichenic fungus isolated from lichen thallus of Diorygma hieroglyphicum (Pers.) Staiger & Kalb (Graphidaceae), in India. Funiculosone was characterized, essentially by spectroscopic methods, as 4,8,9a-trihydroxy-3,4a-dimethyl-4a,9a-dihydro-4H-xanthene-1,9-dione. Its relative stereochemistry was deduced by single crystal X-ray analysis while the absolute configuration was assigned as 4S,4aS,9aS by ECD spectra in comparison to that of the closely related mangrovamide J. This latter, to which, not being an amide, an inappropriate common name was given, was only recently isolated, together with undescribed and known prenylatedindole alkaloids and chromone derivatives from an unidentified Penicillium sp. X-ray structural analysis of the isolated mangrovamide J, for which no biological activity was previously reported, revealed polymorphism and a new crystalline phase is described. All the compounds displayed antibacterial activity with an IC50 range 23-104mug/mL when assayed against Escherichia coli Escherich and Staphylococcus aureus Ogston. Funiculosone also showed anticandidal activity against Candida albicans Berkhout with an IC50 35mug/mL.
Antimicrobial secondary metabolites of an endolichenic Aspergillus niger isolated from lichen thallus of Parmotrema ravum
Heptaketides from Corynespora sp. inhabiting the cavern beard lichen, Usnea cavernosa: first report of metabolites of an endolichenic fungus
,Two new heptaketides, corynesporol (1) and 1-hydroxydehydroherbarin (2), along with herbarin (3) were isolated from an endolichenic fungal strain, Corynespora sp. BA-10763, occurring in the cavern beard lichen Usnea cavernosa. The structures of 1-3 were elucidated from their spectroscopic data. Aerial oxidation of corynesporol (1) yielded herbarin (3). Acetylation of 1 afforded the naphthalene derivative 4, whereas acetylation of 3 gave the corresponding naphthoquinone 6 and dehydroherbarin (5). All compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxicity and ability to inhibit migration of human metastatic breast and prostate cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and PC-3M, respectively. Dehydroherbarin (5) inhibited migration of both cell lines at concentrations not toxic to these cell lines. This is the first report of metabolites from an endolichenic fungus.
HPLC isolation of antioxidant constituents from Xanthoparmelia spp
,A chromatographic method is described for the purification and characterization of secondary lichen substances with biological activity. A simple reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method with gradient elution has been developed that allows the determination and isolation of salazinic, usnic and stictic acids from lichen samples in a single run and the quantification of every acid in the tested extracts. The antioxidant activity of both the isolated compounds and the respective lichen belonging to Xanthoparmelia genus was determined by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay; their effect as free radical scavengers, effect on cell survival by the 3(4,5-dimethyltiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium reduction assay and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate method were tested on U373 MG human astrocytome cell line. Both lichens extracts and all isolated compounds protected U373 MG cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced damage, suggesting that they could act as antioxidant agents in those neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative damage, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
Endolichenic fungus, Aspergillus quandricinctus of Usnea longissima inhibits quorum sensing and biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Antioxidant activity of secondary metabolites from Cladonia lichen
Phenolic metabolites of lichens in the genus Cladonia growing in Belarus and Yakutia
Radical scavenging, prolyl endopeptidase inhibitory, and antimicrobial potential of a cultured Himalayan lichen Cetrelia olivetorum
,L-Canavanine, a potentially toxic antimetabolite of L-arginine that is stored by many leguminous plants, has demonstrative antineoplastic activity against a number of animal-bearing carcinomas and cancer cell lines. This investigation evaluated the natural abundance of this anti-cancer compound in commercially available sprouts, and in ten varieties of the seed of alfalfa, Medicago Sativa (L.). Canavanine abundance in commercially grown sprouts varied according to the source; the young plant stored appreciable canavanine that ranged from 1.3 to 2.4% of the dry matter. Alfalfa seeds were also rich in this nonprotein amino acid as the canavanine content varied from 1.4 to 1.8% of the dry matter. On average, the tested seeds contained 1.54 +/- 0.03% canavanine. Alfalfa seed canavanine content was comparable to the levels found in the seeds of representative members of the genus Canavalia , which are amongst the more abundance sources of this antimetabolite.
Oxidative stress induced-neurodegerative diseases: the need for antioxidants that penetrate the blood brain barrier
,Oxidative stress (OS) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of many neurological, particularly neurodegenerative diseases. OS can cause cellular damage and subsequent cell death because the reactive oxygen species (ROS) oxidize vital cellular components such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. Moreover, the brain is exposed throughout life to excitatory amino acids (such as glutamate), whose metabolism produces ROS, thereby promoting excitotoxicity. Antioxidant defense mechanisms include removal of O(2), scavenging of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species or their precursors, inhibition of ROS formation, binding of metal ions needed for the catalysis of ROS generation and up-regulation of endogenous antioxidant defenses. However, since our endogenous antioxidant defenses are not always completely effective, and since exposure to damaging environmental factors is increasing, it seems reasonable to propose that exogenous antioxidants could be very effective in diminishing the cumulative effects of oxidative damage. Antioxidants of widely varying chemical structures have been investigated as potential therapeutic agents. However, the therapeutic use of most of these compounds is limited since they do not cross the blood brain barrier (BBB). Although a few of them have shown limited efficiency in animal models or in small clinical studies, none of the currently available antioxidants have proven efficacious in a large-scale controlled study. Therefore, any novel antioxidant molecules designed as potential neuroprotective treatment in acute or chronic neurological disorders should have the mandatory prerequisite that they can cross the BBB after systemic administration.
Biodiscovery of antibacterial constituents from the endolichenic fungi isolated from Parmotrema rampoddense
Protective effects of extracts of lichen Dirinaria consimilis (Stirton) D.D. Awasthi in bifenthrin and diazinon-induced oxidative stress in rat erythrocytes in vitro
Chemical composition and bioactive properties of the lichen, Pleurosticta acetabulum
Oxidative stress and neurodegenerative diseases: a review of upstream and downstream antioxidant therapeutic options
,Free radicals are common outcome of normal aerobic cellular metabolism. In-built antioxidant system of body plays its decisive role in prevention of any loss due to free radicals. However, imbalanced defense mechanism of antioxidants, overproduction or incorporation of free radicals from environment to living system leads to serious penalty leading to neuro-degeneration. Neural cells suffer functional or sensory loss in neurodegenerative diseases. Apart from several other environmental or genetic factors, oxidative stress (OS) leading to free radical attack on neural cells contributes calamitous role to neuro-degeneration. Though, oxygen is imperative for life, imbalanced metabolism and excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation end into a range of disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, aging and many other neural disorders. Toxicity of free radicals contributes to proteins and DNA injury, inflammation, tissue damage and subsequent cellular apoptosis. Antioxidants are now being looked upon as persuasive therapeutic against solemn neuronal loss, as they have capability to combat by neutralizing free radicals. Diet is major source of antioxidants, as well as medicinal herbs are catching attention to be commercial source of antioxidants at present. Recognition of upstream and downstream antioxidant therapy to oxidative stress has been proved an effective tool in alteration of any neuronal damage as well as free radical scavenging. Antioxidants have a wide scope to sequester metal ions involved in neuronal plaque formation to prevent oxidative stress. In addition, antioxidant therapy is vital in scavenging free radicals and ROS preventing neuronal degeneration in post-oxidative stress scenario.
A new eremophilane-sesquiterpene from the cultured lichen mycobiont of Graphis sp
,One new 3,5-dimethylorsellinic acid (DMOA)-based meroterpenoid (1), one prenylated tryptophan derivative (2), together with ten known compounds (3-12) were isolated from the endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp. from Tripterygium wilfordii. Their structures and absolute configurations were determined by NMR spectroscopic data, HRESIMS data, UV and IR data as well as electronic circular dichroism (ECD) calculation. In structure, compound 1 was a rare example of DMOA-based meroterpenoid with a cis-fused C/D ring system, and compound 2 possessed an unusual (E)-oxime group. In bioactivity, the lovastatin analogues 5, 6, 9 and 10 showed potential immunosuppressive activity against anti-CD3/anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)-irritated murine splenocytes proliferation, with IC50 values ranging from (5.30 +/- 0.51) muM to (16.51 +/- 1.62) muM.
Secondary metabolites of the lichen-associated fungus Apiospora montagnei
Selective neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress in the brain
The first naturally occurring thiepinols and thienol from an endolichenic fungus Coniochaeta sp
Selected scientific papers of Wei Jiangchun
A review on the present situation of lichenology in China
Maximizing chemical diversity of fungal metabolites: biogenetically related heptaketides of the endolichenic fungus Corynespora sp
,In an attempt to explore the biosynthetic potential of the endolichenic fungus Corynespora sp. BA-10763, its metabolite profiles under several culture conditions were investigated. When cultured in potato dextrose agar, it produced three new heptaketides, 9-O-methylscytalol A (1), 7-desmethylherbarin (2), and 8-hydroxyherbarin (3), together with biogenetically related metabolites scytalol A (4), 8-O-methylfusarubin (5), scorpinone (6), and 8-O-methylbostrycoidin (7), which are new to this organism, and herbarin (8), a metabolite previously encountered in this fungal strain. The use of malt extract agar as the culture medium led to the isolation of 6, 8, 1-hydroxydehydroherbarin (9), and 1-methoxydehydroherbarin (10), which was found to be an artifact formed during the extraction of the culture medium with methanol. The structures of all new compounds were determined by interpretation of their spectroscopic data and chemical interconversions.
Oxaspirol B with p97 inhibitory activity and other Oxaspirols from Lecythophora sp. FL1375 and FL1031, endolichenic fungi inhabiting Parmotrema tinctorum and Cladonia evansii
,A new metabolite, oxaspirol D (4), together with oxaspirols B (2) and C (3) were isolated from Lecythophora sp. FL1375, an endolichenic fungus isolated from Parmotrema tinctorum, whereas Lecythophora sp. FL1031 inhabiting the lichen Cladonia evansii afforded oxaspirols A (1), B (2), and C (3). Of these, oxaspirol B (2) showed moderate p97 ATPase inhibitory activity. A detailed characterization of all oxaspirols was undertaken because structures proposed for known oxaspirols have involved incomplete assignments of NMR spectroscopic data leading only to their planar structures. Thus, the naturally occurring isomeric mixture (2a and 2b) of oxaspirol B was separated as their diacetates (5a and 5b) and the structures and absolute configurations of 1, 2a, 2b, 3, and 4 were determined by the application of spectroscopic techniques including two-dimensional NMR and the modified Mosher's ester method. Oxaspirol B (2) and its diacetates 5a and 5b were evaluated for their ATPase inhibitory activities of p97, p97 mutants, and other ATP-utilizing enzymes, and only 2 was found to be active, indicating the requirement of some structural features in oxaspirols for their activity. Additional biochemical and cellular assays suggested that 2 was a reversible, non-ATP competitive, and specific inhibitor of p97.
OSMAC strategy and its application in the study of secondary metabolites of Aspergillus fumigatus
Research progress in the production of paclitaxel antitumor raw materials
Research progress of gastrodin biosynthesis
Evaluation of edible and medicinal lichen resources in China
Acetonic extracts of the endolichenic fungus EL002332 isolated from Endocarpon pusillum exhibits anticancer activity in human gastric cancer cells
Study on the active components of fermentation broth of several lichens and lichen endophytes
Neuroprotective properties of the natural phenolic antioxidants curcumin and naringenin but not quercetin and fisetin in a 6-OHDA model of Parkinson’s disease
,Although the cause of dopaminergic cell death in Parkinson's disease (PD) remains unknown, oxidative stress has been strongly implicated. Because of their ability to combat oxidative stress, diet derived phenolic compounds continue to be considered as potential agents for long-term use in PD. This study was aimed at investigating whether the natural phenolic compounds curcumin, naringenin, quercetin, fisetin can be neuroprotective in the 6-OHDA model of PD. Unilateral infusion of 6-OHDA into the medial forebrain bundle produced a significant loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells in the substantia nigra (SN) as well as a decreased of dopamine (DA) content in the striata in the vehicle-treated animals. Rats pretreated with curcumin or naringenin showed a clear protection of the number of TH-positive cells in the SN and DA levels in the striata. However, neither pretreatment with quercetin nor fisetin had any effects on TH-positive cells or DA levels. The ability of curcumin and naringenin to exhibit neuroprotection in the 6-OHDA model of PD may be related to their antioxidant capabilities and their capability to penetrate into the brain.
Morphological groups asa surrogate for soil lichen biodiversity in Southern Africa
A multifunctional and possible skin UV protectant, (3R)-5-hydroxymellein, produced by an endolichenic fungus isolated from Parmotrema austrosinense
Oxidative stress and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
Research progress on synthesis biology of tetracyclic triterpenoid saponins in medicinal plants
,附生地衣是热带和亚热带山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性组分, 在生物多样性保护、环境监测、养分循环中发挥着重要作用。附生地衣按共生藻、生活型和繁殖策略的不同可划分为不同的功能群, 不同附生地衣功能群的分布格局存在较大的差异, 然而其生理生态机制仍不清楚。该研究以我国西南地区哀牢山亚热带山地森林中的附生地衣优势类群为研究对象,对该地区蓝藻地衣、阔叶地衣、狭叶地衣及枝状地衣4种功能群的8种附生地衣的水分关系、光合生理特征等进行了测定分析,结果显示: 不同功能群附生地衣的持水力和失水速率均存在差异, 其中蓝藻地衣具有较高的最大水分含量, 而枝状地衣的失水速率较快; 过高和过低的水分含量都会抑制附生地衣的光合作用, 但抑制程度有所差异; 蓝藻地衣的光合作用最适水分含量比较高, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求较高, 所以它们偏好潮湿的生境, 同时蓝藻地衣的光补偿点比较低但光饱和点却不低, 反映出它们具有较宽的光强适应范围, 所以蓝藻地衣能够同时分布于强光和弱光生境中; 枝状地衣的光合最适水分含量较低, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求不是很高, 能够适应较为干旱的环境, 同时枝状地衣的光补偿点和光饱和点都很高, 说明它们的光合生理活动对光照条件要求比较高, 所以它们广泛分布于强光生境中; 阔叶和狭叶地衣的光补偿点比较高, 说明它们更适应有充足光照条件的生境。
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