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菌物学报, 2021, 40(7): 1712-1722 doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.210015



苏强军, 夏樱霞, 谢放,*, Uwitugabiye VESTINE, 陈照禾, 周刚

兰州交通大学生物与制药工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070

Screening of the reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in Ophiocordyceps sinensis

SU Qiang-Jun, XIA Ying-Xia, XIE Fang,*, Uwitugabiye VESTINE, CHEN Zhao-He, ZHOU Gang

School of Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China

责任编辑: 王敏

收稿日期: 2021-01-9   接受日期: 2021-03-14  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31560003)

Corresponding authors: * E-mail: xfrankf@163.com

Received: 2021-01-9   Accepted: 2021-03-14  

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(31560003)


以冬虫夏草单子囊孢子分离得到的菌株TZ8-1的3种菌丝形态为实验材料,提取RNA,经反转录获取cDNA,选择了11个持家基因为候选内参基因(18S rRNA、APRTase、β-TUB、RPL2、EF1-α、PGI、PGM、H+-ATPase、ACT1、UBQ和GAPDH),根据该菌基因组注释结果来设计引物,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术进行定量扩增,利用geNorm、NormFinder和BestKeeper算法程序进行表达稳定性评估,并用RefFinder对评估结果进行综合排比,最终筛选得到了最适内参基因。结果表明,所选取的11个候选内参基因均可作为冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期的内参基因,稳定性最好的3个内参基因分别是UBQ、PGE和ACT1,稳定性较差的3个内参基因分别是GAPDH、RPL2和β-TUB。

关键词: 内参基因; 冬虫夏草菌; qRT-PCR; 菌丝形态


Mycelia with three different morphology of Ophiocordyceps sinensis TZ8-1 isolated from monoascospores were used as experimental materials. RNA of mycelium was extracted, and cDNA was obtained by reverse transcription. Eleven housekeeping genes were selected as candidate reference genes (18S rRNA, APRTase, β-TUB, RPL2, EF1-α, PGI, PGM, H+-ATPase, ACT1, UBQ and GAPDH). Primers were designed based on the genome annotation results of Ophiocordyceps sinensis and quantitative amplification was conducted by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR). The expression of stability was evaluated by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper algorithms, and the evaluation of results were combined by RefFinder to screen the optimal internal reference genes. The results showed that all the 11 candidate reference genes could be used as reference genes in the mycelium stage of Ophiocordyceps sinensis. The three most stable ones were UBQ, PGE and ACT1, and the three less stable ones were GAPDH, RPL2 and β-TUB.

Keywords: reference genes; Ophiocordyceps sinensis; real-time fluorescence quantitative-PCR; mycelium morphology

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苏强军, 夏樱霞, 谢放, Uwitugabiye VESTINE, 陈照禾, 周刚. 冬虫夏草菌实时荧光定量PCR内参基因的筛选[J]. 菌物学报, 2021, 40(7): 1712-1722 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210015

SU Qiang-Jun, XIA Ying-Xia, XIE Fang, Uwitugabiye VESTINE, CHEN Zhao-He, ZHOU Gang. Screening of the reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in Ophiocordyceps sinensis[J]. Mycosystema, 2021, 40(7): 1712-1722 doi:10.13346/j.mycosystema.210015

冬虫夏草是冬虫夏草菌Ophiocordyceps sinensis寄生于蝙蝠蛾Hepialus armoricanus幼虫体后发育成的真菌子座和充满菌丝的僵死幼虫的复合体(Zhou et al. 2014;Liu et al. 2015;Lu et al. 2016),是我国传统的名贵中草药。冬虫夏草菌是学术界普遍认同的冬虫夏草无性型(刘锡琎等 1989;李增智等 2000;Chen et al. 2001;莫明和等 2001;刘作易等 2003;谢放等 2011)。随着组学技术的快速发展,挖掘冬虫夏草有性启动、宿主侵染、代谢物合成等的关键基因,成为了目前该领域的研究热点。

实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)现已成为不同样品之间进行基因表达水平定量差异比较的权威性方法(Nolan et al. 2006)。在实时荧光定量PCR试验中,为了消除由于材料、反应效率等因素导致基因表达数据的误差,通常将持家基因作为研究的内参基因对数据进行标准化处理,以此来减小研究误差(Foldager et al. 2009),这就要求所选择的内参基因在所有的研究材料中都必须稳定表达。然而,越来越多的研究表明,在某种试验稳定表达的内参基因,在另一种试验中有可能是变化的(Jain et al. 2006;Løvdal & Lillo 2009;Tong et al. 2009)。而在任何试验条件下都能稳定表达的内参基因几乎不存在(Li et al. 2016;Rui et al. 2016)。因此要针对于不同的试验条件选择最适合的内参基因,以此来提高试验数据的准确性。目前,内参基因的筛选在灵芝Ganoderma lingzhiXu et al. 2014)、毛木耳Auricularia corneaJia et al. 2019)、黑木耳Auricularia heimuer张越等 2020)、香菇Lentinula edodesXiang et al. 2018)、糙皮侧耳Pleurotus ostreatusFernández-Fueyo et al. 2014)、刺芹侧耳Pleurotus eryngii秦晓艺和王杰 2015)等重要的食药用菌中已有报道,而冬虫夏草研究领域未见相关报道。



图1   三种菌丝形态图


Fig. 1   Morphology of hyphae.

A: Aerial mycelium; B: Hyphal knot; C: Substrate mycelium.

本研究以冬虫夏草菌单孢菌株的3种菌丝形态为材料,选择了11个持家基因,利用geNorm、NormFinder、BestKeeper 3种分析程序进行了分析评价,并用RefFinder程序进行了综合排比,筛选出了冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期表达最为稳定的内参基因。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试菌株的准备


1.2 候选内参基因的选择与引物设计

选择11个常见的持家基因为内参候选基因,分别是18S核糖体RNA(18S rRNA)、腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(APRTase)、β-微管蛋白(β-TUB)、核糖体蛋白L2(RPL2)、翻译延长因子1-a(EF1-α)、磷酸葡萄糖异构酶(PGI)、磷酸葡萄糖变异酶(PGM)、质膜质子ATP酶(H+-ATPase)、肌动蛋白1(ACT1)、多聚泛素酶(UBQ)和3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GAPDH)。引物序列根据NCBI中Ophiocordyceps sinensis CO18(ASM44836v1)的基因组序列信息,经由上海欧易生物医学科技有限公司设计并由北京擎科新业生物技术有限公司合成,引物序列见表1

表1   候选内参基因的引物序列

Table 1  Primer sequences of candidate internal reference genes

Gene name
Forward primer (5’-3’)
Reverse primer (5’-3’)
Amplicon size (bp)

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1.3 样品总RNA的提取及cDNA的合成

采用试剂盒(mirVana™ miRNA ISOlation Kit,Ambion-1561)提取总RNA,之后利用NanoDrop 2000分光光度计(Thermo Scientific,USA)测定浓度及OD260/OD280,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测RNA完整性。检测合格后利用TransScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMIX for qPCR试剂盒将待测RNA逆转录成cDNA。反转录体系为:总RNA 0.5μg;5×TransScript All-in-one SuperMix for qPCR 5μL;gDNA Remover 0.5μL;Nuclease- free H2O加至10μL。反应程序:42℃ 15min,85℃ 5s。逆转录完毕后加入90μL Nuclease- free H2O储存在-20℃冰箱备用。

1.4 荧光定量PCR

利用PerfectStartTM Green qPCR SuperMix试剂盒在LightCycler® 480 Ⅱ型荧光定量PCR仪(Roche,Swiss)上进行反应。反应体系:2×PerfectStartTM Green qPCR SuperMix 5μL;10μmol/L Forward primer 0.2μL;10μmol/L Reverse primer 0.2μL;cDNA 1μL;Nuclease- free H2O 3.6μL。PCR程序:94℃ 30s;94℃ 5s;60℃ 30s;45个循环。循环结束后利用熔解曲线检测产物特异性:从60℃缓慢升温至97℃,每℃采集5次荧光信号。

1.5 表达稳定性分析

qRT-PCR扩增完毕后,利用geNorm(Vandesompele et al. 2002)、NormFinder(Andersen et al. 2004)和BestKeeper(Pfaffl et al. 2004)3种软件分析11个候选内参基因的表达差异。利用RefFinder(Zsori et al. 2013)软件对11个候选内参基因的表达稳定性进行综合排名。

2 结果与分析

2.1 RNA的分离与纯化

RIN(RNA integrity number),代表RNA完整性数值,范围在1-10之间,是Agilent Bioanalyzer对total RNA完整性给出的数字化评估,数值越小说明降解越严重。RIN值在1-6之间说明RNA发生明显降解,RIN值在7-10之间说明RNA完整性较好。18S与28S是真核生物rRNA的两个主要亚基,如果28S/18S为1.8-2.0表明所提取RNA完整性较好,基本无降解发生,当28S/18S小于0.7时,表明已经发生较明显的降解,该样品不可用于后续分析(易乐飞等 2016;Padhi et al. 2018)。本研究中RNA样品的质检结果见表2,RIN值均在7以上,28S/18S值均在0.7以上,说明所有样品符合后续分析要求。

表2   RNA质检结果

Table 2  Results of RNA quality control

Concentration (μg/μL)
Volume (μL)
Total (μg)

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2.2 候选内参基因的引物分析



图2   由qRT-PCR产生的熔解曲线

横坐标:温度;纵坐标:-(d/dt) Fluorescence (465-510)

Fig. 2   Melting curve generated by qRT-PCR.

Abscissa: Temperature; Ordinate: -(d/dt) fluorescence (465-510).

2.3 候选内参基因的Ct值分析



图3   Ct值分布箱形图

Fig. 3   Distribution of Ct values.

2.4 候选内参基因的表达稳定性分析

2.4.1 geNorm分析结果:geNorm是专门用于Real-time PCR中筛选内参基因及确定最适内参基因数目的程序,可用于筛选任何实验的任意数目的内参基因,并最终挑选出两个或两个以上的内参基因组合来校正数据,可使相对定量的结果更为精确(吴建阳等 2017)。该程序通过计算出每个候选内参基因稳定性的M值来筛选出稳定性较好的内参基因,判定标准为M值小于1.5即可作为内参基因,M值越小内参基因的稳定性越好(Vandesompele et al. 2002)。

11个候选内参基因通过geNorm程序分析发现,M值均小于1.5,因此,11个候选内参基因均可作为冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期不同形态的内参基因。其中,候选内参基因UBQ与PGM的M值最小。结果显示11个候选内参基因的稳定性依次为PGM、UBQ>EF-1α> RPL2>β-TUB>PGI>18S rRNA>ACT1>H+-ATPase> APRTase>GAPDH(图4)。


图4   十一个候选内参基因的稳定性折线图

Fig. 4   Broken line diagram of the stability of 11 candidate reference genes.

2.4.2 NormFinder分析结果:NormFinder程序计算原理与geNorm程序相似,也是先获得内参基因表达稳定值,再根据稳定值大小来筛选出最合适的内参基因,判定标准为表达稳定值最小的内参基因为最合适的内参基因(Andersen et al. 2004;吴建阳等 2017)。


表3   NormFinder分析候选内参基因的表达稳定值

Table 3  NormFinder analysis of the stable expression values of the candidate reference genes

Gene name
Stability value
Best gene
18S rRNA0.223

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2.4.3 BestKeeper分析结果:BestKeeper程序是针对内参基因和目标基因表达量分析的程序,最多只能比较100个样品中10个内参基因和10个目标基因的表达水平。通过该程序可计算获得每个基因之间产生配对的相关系数(r)、标准偏差(SD)和变异系数(CV),在通过比较各个值的大小,最终确定稳定性较好的内参基因,判定原则为相关系数越大,标准偏差和变异系数越小,内参基因的稳定性越好,反之稳定性越差。当SD>1时,则该内参基因表达不稳定(Pfaffl et al. 2004;吴建阳等 2017)。BestKeeper程序分析11个候选内参基因的稳定性结果见表4,11个候选内参基因的SD均小于1,这进一步说明11个候选内参基因均可作为冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期的内参基因。根据每个内参基因Ct值的标准差(SD)和变异系数(CV)综合排名前三的内参基因分别是APRTase、ACT1和H+-ATPase。

表4   BestKeeper程序分析候选内参基因的稳定性表达

Table 4  BestKeeper program analyzes the stability expression of candidate reference genes

Gene name
18S rRNA4.310.7

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2.5 内参基因组合数分析

2.5.1 RefFinder综合分析结果:RefFinder是一个很好的网络综合分析工具,可用于实验数据评估和内参基因的筛选。集成了目前内参基因筛选可用的主要计算程序(geNorm、Normfinder、BestKeeper等),对候选内参基因进行比较和排序。会根据每个程序的排名,给每个候选内参基因赋予一个适当的权重,并计算出其权重的几何平均值,从而得出最终的总排名(Xie et al. 2012;Zsori et al. 2013)。


表5   RefFinder综合排名结果

Table 5  Comprehensive ranking results of RefFinder

Gene name
Delta CT排名
Delta CT ranking
geNorm ranking
NormFinder ranking
BestKeeper ranking
18S rRNA67666.487

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2.5.2 两两变异分析:geNorm软件通过两两比较(Vn/n+1)可以确定最佳内参基因的数量。在此过程中默认的V值为0.15,当Vn/n+1值小于0.15时,无需引入额外的内参基因(吴建阳等 2017)。如果内参基因的平均M值小于0.2,则认为该基因是稳定的(Jia et al. 2019)。在本研究中最低M值小于0.2,并且V值均在0.15以下(图5),这说明有一个内参基因就可以对基因表达数据进行归一化处理,而为了结果更加可靠,引入两个内参基因的效果会更好。因此,根据M值的大小,判断出UBQ和PGM这两者是最好的组合。


图5   十二个候选内参基因两两变异(Vn/n+1)分析

Fig. 5   Pairwise variation analysis of 12 candidate reference genes (Vn/n+1).

3 讨论

大量研究表明,不同试验条件下内参基因的选择有所不同,不存在不同物种或不同试验条件下通用的内参基因(Xu et al. 2014;赵小龙 2016;Xiang et al. 2018;张倩倩等 2018;Jia et al. 2019)。本研究采用最适生长条件下生长120d后的冬虫夏草菌单孢菌株的3种菌丝形态为试验材料,筛选了冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期最适的内参基因,所得到的结果仅限于为类似试验体系提供参考,并不能保证所有试验体系适用,尤其以子实体为研究材料的相关实验体系可能还需要进一步验证。

在候选内参基因上,本研究选择了11个典型的持家基因作为候选内参基因,在选取数量上多于其他食药用真菌的相关研究(Xu et al. 2014;安丹丹等 2016;赵小龙 2016;Xiang et al. 2018;Jia et al. 2019),因此本研究所得结果可靠性更好。但由于机体中持家基因数目庞大,因此本研究选取的也只不过是冰山一角。本研究所获得的结果良好,所选取的11个候选内参基因通过geNorm分析所得的M值范围在0.15-0.58之间,且Vn/n+1值均小于0.15,这说明本研究所选取的11个候选内参基因均可作为冬虫夏草菌菌丝体时期的内参基因,完全能为该领域研究提供参考,而无需再做过多验证。

本研究在候选基因稳定性分析过程中发现,选择不同的分析程序所得到的结果有所差异,如APRTase在BestKeeper分析结果中稳定性最好,但在geNorm和NormFinder分析结果中却处于末端。这种现象在其他物种内参基因筛选中也同样出现(Xu et al. 2014;Tao et al. 2016;Qian et al. 2018;Xiang et al. 2018),究其原因是BestKeeper程序分析统计的算法和侧重点有别于geNorm和NormFinder分析程序。而本研究通过引入RefFinder对各程序所得结果进行综合排名,很好地解决这了一问题,因此,参考RefFinder程序的综合排名结果,可靠性会更好。


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DOI:S1087-1845(14)00019-X      PMID:24560615     

Pleurotus ostreatus is an important edible mushroom and a model lignin degrading organism, whose genome contains nine genes of ligninolytic peroxidases, characteristic of white-rot fungi. These genes encode six manganese peroxidase (MnP) and three versatile peroxidase (VP) isoenzymes. Using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, secretion of four of these peroxidase isoenzymes (VP1, VP2, MnP2 and MnP6) was confirmed when P. ostreatus grows in a lignocellulose medium at 25°C (three more isoenzymes were identified by only one unique peptide). Then, the effect of environmental parameters on the expression of the above nine genes was studied by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR by changing the incubation temperature and medium pH of P. ostreatus cultures pre-grown under the above conditions (using specific primers and two reference genes for result normalization). The cultures maintained at 25°C (without pH adjustment) provided the highest levels of peroxidase transcripts and the highest total activity on Mn(2+) (a substrate of both MnP and VP) and Reactive Black 5 (a VP specific substrate). The global analysis of the expression patterns divides peroxidase genes into three main groups according to the level of expression at optimal conditions (vp1/mnp3>vp2/vp3/mnp1/mnp2/mnp6>mnp4/mnp5). Decreasing or increasing the incubation temperature (to 10°C or 37°C) and adjusting the culture pH to acidic or alkaline conditions (pH 3 and 8) generally led to downregulation of most of the peroxidase genes (and decrease of the enzymatic activity), as shown when the transcription levels were referred to those found in the cultures maintained at the initial conditions. Temperature modification produced less dramatic effects than pH modification, with most genes being downregulated during the whole 10°C treatment, while many of them were alternatively upregulated (often 6h after the thermal shock) and downregulated (12h) at 37°C. Interestingly, mnp4 and mnp5 were the only peroxidase genes upregulated under alkaline pH conditions. The differences in the transcription levels of the peroxidase genes when the culture temperature and pH parameters were changed suggest an adaptive expression according to environmental conditions. Finally, the intracellular proteome was analyzed, under the same conditions used in the secretomic analysis, and the protein product of the highly-transcribed gene mnp3 was detected. Therefore, it was concluded that the absence of MnP3 from the secretome of the P. ostreatus lignocellulose cultures was related to impaired secretion. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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BMC Molecular Biology, 10:94

DOI:10.1186/1471-2199-10-94      PMID:19818117      [本文引用: 1]

Hypoxic culturing of chondrocytes is gaining increasing interest in cartilage research. Culturing of chondrocytes under low oxygen tension has shown several advantages, among them increased synthesis of extracellular matrix and increased redifferentiation of dedifferentiated chondrocytes. Quantitative gene expression analyses such as quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) are powerful tools in the investigation of underlying mechanisms of cell behavior and are used routinely for differentiation and phenotype assays. However, the genes used for normalization in normoxic cell-cultures might not be suitable in the hypoxic environment. The objective of this study was to determine hypoxia-stable housekeeping genes (HKG) for quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) in human chondrocytes cultured in 21%, 5% and 1% oxygen by geNorm and NormFinder analyses.The chondrocytic response to the hypoxic challange was validated by a significant increase in expression of the hypoxia-inducible gene ankyrin repeat 37 as well as SOX9 in hypoxia. When cultured on the 3-dimentional (3D) scaffold TATA-binding protein (TBP) exhibited the highest expression stability with NormFinder while Ribosomal protein L13a (RPL13A) and beta2-microglobulin (B2M) were the most stable using geNorm analysis. In monolayer RPL13A were the most stable gene using NormFinder, while geNorm assessed RPL13A and human RNA polymerase II (RPII) as most stable. When examining the combination of (3D) culturing and monolayer RPL13A and B2M showed the highest expression stability from geNorm analysis while RPL13A also showed the highest expression stability using NormFinder. Often used HKG such as beta actin (ACTB) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were the most unstable genes investigated in all comparisons. The pairwise variations for the two most stable HKG in each group were all below the cut-off value of 0.15, suggesting that the two most stable HKG from geNorm analysis would be sufficient for qRT-PCR.All data combined we recommend RPL13A, B2M and RPII as the best choice for qRT-PCR analyses when comparing normoxic and hypoxic cultured human chondrocytes although other genes might also be suitable. However, the matching of HKG to target genes by means of a thorough investigation of the stability in each study would always be preferable.

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We examined eight putative consistently expressed genes-actin (ACT), beta-tubulin, elongation factor 1alpha (EF1), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), ribosomal protein L2 (RPL2), ubiquitin (UBI), and a catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Acs)-for their potential as references for the normalization of gene expression in tomato leaves. Expression stability of candidate reference genes was tested during growth conditions of nitrogen (N) starvation, low temperature, and suboptimal light. The geNorm algorithm, using reciprocal cross-validation among a larger group of candidate references, was applied for this purpose. The widely used reference genes GAPDH and PGK were top ranked during light stress but poorly ranked during N and cold stress. In contrast, EF1 was top ranked during N and cold stress but poorly ranked during light stress. The novel references RPL2 and PP2Acs, as well as the traditional references ACT and UBI, appeared to be stably expressed when looking at the data set as a whole. No gene was identified that exhibited such a constant level of expression as to outperform the other candidates under all experimental conditions. Thus, the results highlight the need for normalizing gene expression in tomato using the geometric average of multiple carefully selected reference genes.

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Lycoris aurea (L' Hér.) Herb, a perennial grass species, produces a unique variety of pharmacologically active Amaryllidaceae alkaloids. However, the key enzymes and their expression pattern involved in the biosynthesis of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids (especially for galanthamine) are far from being fully understood. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), a commonly used method for quantifying gene expression, requires stable reference genes to normalize its data. In this study, to choose the appropriate reference genes under different experimental conditions, 14 genes including YLS8 (mitosis protein YLS8), CYP2 (Cyclophilin 2), CYP 1 (Cyclophilin 1), TIP41 (TIP41-like protein), EXP2 (Expressed protein 2), PTBP1 (Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1), EXP1 (Expressed protein 1), PP2A (Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A), β-TUB (β-tubulin), α-TUB (α-tubulin), EF1-α (Elongation factor 1-α), UBC (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme), ACT (Actin) and GAPDH (Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) were selected from the transcriptome datasets of L. aurea. And then, expressions of these genes were assessed by qRT-PCR in various tissues and the roots under different treatments. The expression stability of the 14 candidates was analyzed by three commonly used software programs (geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper), and their results were further integrated into a comprehensive ranking based on the geometric mean. The results show the relatively stable genes for each subset as follows: (1) EXP1 and TIP41 for all samples; (2) UBC and EXP1 for NaCl stress; (3) PTBP1 and EXP1 for heat stress, polyethylene glycol (PEG) stress and ABA treatment; (4) UBC and CYP2 for cold stress; (5) PTBP1 and PP2A for sodium nitroprusside (SNP) treatment; (6) CYP1 and TIP41 for methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment; and (7) EXP1 and TIP41 for various tissues. The reliability of these results was further enhanced through comparison between part qRT-PCR result and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data. In summary, our results identified appropriate reference genes for qRT-PCR in L. aurea, and will facilitate gene expression studies under these conditions.

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